CPC Right or Wrong?

‘…Do you agree with the CPC…?’

It is a typical ‘one-size-fits-all’ imposition from the European Union - as originally and glibbly sold to us as The Common Market in approx 1974.

In democratic terms, no-one or any subsequent British puppet government had any democratic or beneficial say in such EU Federation matters.

So, in its current format, it is a time, money & effort wasting work creation nonsense wrongly enforced upon decently conscientious British workers.

Thus, it is wrong for us to be forced to comply with the CPC’s immoral obligation - although I concede that the content may contain appropriate material for considered inclusion for us British to possibly adapting for our national needs.

its a total waste of time why do you need training on how to load safe? the drivers day? rules and reg etc etc. if you work in an office you dont have to train every 5 years on answering the phone correctly, safe use of the photocopier? the onyl way its of any use is to new drivers who would learn enough to be safe on a road. other than that things like the adr will only serve to reduce rates of pay as we will have so many dirvers who have it, i for one wont be doing it as an agency driver and if it means leaving driving then so be it, its about time we all said enough is enough! lets face it will the wages go up as we become more skilled? i doubt it. will the public see us as qualified workers? again no we will still be the unwashed masses who can be replaced by monkeys. but thats just my opinion no doubt some will see it as a good thing :open_mouth:


Reminds me of CBT for motorbikes, CBT stands for Compulsory Basic Training, basically teaches you how to take a bike off it’s stand, how to manouver a bike, and how to use clutch, brakes etc.
Then you ride around a few cones, then do a road ride.
All sounds good, except it only lasts 2yrs.
So, after 2yrs of using the bike, you’re suddenly going to forget how to use the side stand or the brakes■■?


But the whole point of CBT, is to stop you riding on L plates forever. Once you pass your full bike test you don’t need another CBT ever.

If you don’t pass full test within two years, you cannot re-take CBT for 12 months, effectively banning you from riding.

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Yes, I know, had my full bike licence for over 10yrs, my point being that it’s a scam.

CBT = Compulsory Basic Training, so why would you forget this basic training after 2yrs, why prevent someone from riding for a further 12mths after that (which I’d forgot about tbh - wasn’t relevent to me, I got the bug).

I would have thought the country should encourage people onto 2 wheels, especially those that could manage on a 125 or below, they obviously live quite close to work but not close enough to walk, why force them into a car or to do a full test??

Anyway, back to point, like the CBT, the dCPC is just a money making scam

If you don’t pass full test within two years, you cannot re-take CBT for 12 months, effectively banning you from riding.

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Where did you get that info from? I’m pretty sure you can do another cbt as soon as your current one runs out…


If you don’t pass full test within two years, you cannot re-take CBT for 12 months, effectively banning you from riding.

Sent from my HTC using Tapatalk 2

Where did you get that info from? I’m pretty sure you can do another cbt as soon as your current one runs out…

According to the direct.gov website, it just says resit it, nothing about the 12mth thing…

direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/Le … DG_4022430

Reminds me of CBT for motorbikes, CBT stands for Compulsory Basic Training, basically teaches you how to take a bike off it’s stand, how to manouver a bike, and how to use clutch, brakes etc.
Then you ride around a few cones, then do a road ride.
All sounds good, except it only lasts 2yrs.
So, after 2yrs of using the bike, you’re suddenly going to forget how to use the side stand or the brakes■■?


DL196 certificates issued after a CBT course show a two year expiry date. This applies only to the use of the CBT pass in conjunction with a category A provisional - if you don’t pass both module 1 and 2 practical tests to gain full entitlement within the category A family within 2 years, you have to retake CBT. In this respect, it is like the two year validity of a theory test pass - you have two years to pass a practical test or you have to retake the theory test.

The full category P moped entitlement issued on passing a car test after 1 February 2001 has a restriction code meaning it is only valid after passing CBT. A CBT pass used in conjunction with a full category P pass applies for life. You don’t have to take CBT again after the certificate expires if you are only using it to validate a full category P entitlement.

it’s a load of crap. i will never do it.
i’ll drive until i get caught, then go to court, then get caught again.i can’t understand people that complain about the cpc, then go ahead an do the course.

Take it you are an owner driver then?

if you are employed by a company then dont you think they are going to ask to see your dcpc in september 2014 before they let you out on the road?

it is also the resposibility of the operator to check that all drivers documents are all in order and if an employer allows someone to drive a vehicle then action will be taken against the company.

so i dont think you will even get as far as the gate with any truck without one.

we all moaned about digital tachos , the WTD ,ect ect

I remember my dad moaning about analog tachos back in the late 70s but everyone just worked with them and got on with it/

it will be the same with DCPC we will all moan about it but we will all do it if we want to keep driving commercially

I have singed up with 3 agencies and none have asked to see proof of my cpc.

It will soon all be on one card, no cpc then no digicard so I’ve heard. It may even end up on your license so just one card in total all tied to a central DVLA database.
They wont ask to see it until 2014 :unamused:

It will soon all be on one card, no cpc then no digicard so I’ve heard. It may even end up on your license so just one card in total all tied to a central DVLA database.
They wont ask to see it until 2014 :unamused:

Can’t see why not, a new driver must sit it now, 2014 is grandfather rights…

Also, the agency may not ask, but a company they send you to might…


It will soon all be on one card, no cpc then no digicard so I’ve heard. It may even end up on your license so just one card in total all tied to a central DVLA database.
They wont ask to see it until 2014 :unamused:

Can’t see why not, a new driver must sit it now, 2014 is grandfather rights…

Also, the agency may not ask, but a company they send you to might…

Your license will tell them if you have grandfathers rights so they wont ask if he has passed before 2009


if you are employed by a company then dont you think they are going to ask to see your dcpc in september 2014 before they let you out on the road?

it is also the resposibility of the operator to check that all drivers documents are all in order and if an employer allows someone to drive a vehicle then action will be taken against the company.

As above. DCPC checks will be like licence checks. No card - sorry we can’t let you drive. A company is a very easy target for the authorities. They pull a driver - routine check, charts, licence, DQC … what no DQC? Immediate prohibition which will then be followed up with the employer.

If the employer cannot demonstrate they have a robust checking procedure in place - as per their obligations to their Ops licence - they will be punsihed. If they happen to have employed that driver AFTER the DCPC deadline and haven’t checked the DQC they have committed an offence.

I can’t see many employers can afford to let a driver out on the road after the deadline without a DQC. They would be very foolish to employ a driver who has no DQC.

I just hope some of these employers switch onto this and start helping drivers get their DQC sorted rather than sherking their responsibilities and leaving it to the drivers. Every week I come up against companies who want nothing to do with the DCPC and there’s no convincing them otherwise. There again I come across companies keen to get it sorted. There is a DCPC session going on in the room next door to me right now. 6 drivers who have been sent here by their company and 8 who’s employer have told them to sort it themselves if they want it sorting and have paid their own way. This is what is wrong with DCPC - the responsibilites lie in the wrong place.

I just hope some of these employers switch onto this and start helping drivers get their DQC sorted rather than sherking their responsibilities and leaving it to the drivers. Every week I come up against companies who want nothing to do with the DCPC and there’s no convincing them otherwise.

I don’t. I hope that once the deadline rolls round and x amount of drivers retire, x amount haven’t done the DCPC etc etc there is a shortage of drivers and the ones who have forked out themselves and sorted it attract a premium and they can get jobs with more money at better firms. Mind you, the smart firms will have sorted this out for their drivers.


I just hope some of these employers switch onto this and start helping drivers get their DQC sorted rather than sherking their responsibilities and leaving it to the drivers. Every week I come up against companies who want nothing to do with the DCPC and there’s no convincing them otherwise.

I don’t. I hope that once the deadline rolls round and x amount of drivers retire, x amount haven’t done the DCPC etc etc there is a shortage of drivers and the ones who have forked out themselves and sorted it attract a premium and they can get jobs with more money at better firms. Mind you, the smart firms will have sorted this out for their drivers.

Good point and well put. Think I’ll agree with you on this point.

My experience at the moment - there aren’t many ‘smart’ firms out there.

TBH I dont see why the firms should, ours do but we have had a few drivers who have left and we are doing 2 courses a year for all the drivers, most have only 1 left to do.


I just hope some of these employers switch onto this and start helping drivers get their DQC sorted rather than sherking their responsibilities and leaving it to the drivers. Every week I come up against companies who want nothing to do with the DCPC and there’s no convincing them otherwise.

I don’t. I hope that once the deadline rolls round and x amount of drivers retire, x amount haven’t done the DCPC etc etc there is a shortage of drivers and the ones who have forked out themselves and sorted it attract a premium and they can get jobs with more money at better firms. Mind you, the smart firms will have sorted this out for their drivers.

what planet you living on?
Drivers get poor wages because companies have sat back and let governments slowly squeeze every penny out the through fuel duty road licences, insurance tax VAT but to name a few. The only way drivers will get a premium is if there is a giant hike in retail prices. And that will never happen because the economy would go bang.
Will the government ever help hauliers with a fuel duty rebate, never so you can have as much of a driver shortage that you want, it won’t make wages go any higher, all it will do is encourage British firms to employ more eastern European drivers on the same rates we are on now.

I am here: tapatalk.com/map.php?hob3tu
It’s not theirs anymore,
This is our England now.



I just hope some of these employers switch onto this and start helping drivers get their DQC sorted rather than sherking their responsibilities and leaving it to the drivers. Every week I come up against companies who want nothing to do with the DCPC and there’s no convincing them otherwise.

I don’t. I hope that once the deadline rolls round and x amount of drivers retire, x amount haven’t done the DCPC etc etc there is a shortage of drivers and the ones who have forked out themselves and sorted it attract a premium and they can get jobs with more money at better firms. Mind you, the smart firms will have sorted this out for their drivers.

what planet you living on?
Drivers get poor wages because companies have sat back and let governments slowly squeeze every penny out the through fuel duty road licences, insurance tax VAT but to name a few. The only way drivers will get a premium is if there is a giant hike in retail prices. And that will never happen because the economy would go bang.
Will the government ever help hauliers with a fuel duty rebate, never so you can have as much of a driver shortage that you want, it won’t make wages go any higher, all it will do is encourage British firms to employ more eastern European drivers on the same rates we are on now.

I am here: tapatalk.com/map.php?hob3tu
It’s not theirs anymore,
This is our England now.

What you said is true, but what do you think is likely to happen if the deadline comes and there are a significant number of drivers who are not qualified? In theory the supply of drivers relative to demand would decrease, thus increasing the wages for the remaining drivers.

However, in spite of my comment above, I don’t think this is likely. Despite the blustering of some people about not doing it, I think most drivers will just knuckle under and do it. I would just like to see the scenario I outlined but I think I’ve got more chance of winning the euro millions.


Looking at all the questions about really basic stuff such as drivers hours by people on this forum who have been driving for years along with basic motoring laws they don’t know as well tells me that the DCPC is more than needed.

If the DCPC wasn’t needed there wouldn’t be the questions asked by the time served on here.

If people ask what they need to know, then they don’t need the dCPC, it’s the ones that don’t ask that are the problem.

Also, do you remember EVERYTHING you’ve ever been told / taught? Or do you ask now and then just to refresh your memory?

I know the drivers hours regs. There are plenty of people on this forum who have been driving for years who can’t even get daily and weekly rest right and think you can do 6x15hrs as long as you have 11 off between each shift and other such rubbish.

I certainly remember what are the legal requirements of the job, something every single driver should know but many don’t when you listen to the absolute ■■■■■ spouted in RDC waiting rooms.

its a total waste of time why do you need training on how to load safe?

Because of the number of numpties that drop their loads all over the road.

the drivers day? rules and reg etc etc.

Are you new on here? Have you not read these forums?

This muppet doesn’t know how to use a tachograph properly.
This one doesn’t know about what they can drive in a week
This one doesn’t know tacho regs
Neither does this one

And that is in the first two pages of this forum. Now tell me the DCPC isn’t needed.

if you work in an office you dont have to train every 5 years on answering the phone correctly, safe use of the photocopier?

But in an office you’re not in charge of 44 tonnes of vehicle doing up to 56MPH that can kill someone very easily if something goes wrong.


its a total waste of time why do you need training on how to load safe?

Because of the number of numpties that drop their loads all over the road.

the drivers day? rules and reg etc etc.

Are you new on here? Have you not read these forums?

This muppet doesn’t know how to use a tachograph properly.
This one doesn’t know about what they can drive in a week
This one doesn’t know tacho regs
Neither does this one

And that is in the first two pages of this forum. Now tell me the DCPC isn’t needed.

if you work in an office you dont have to train every 5 years on answering the phone correctly, safe use of the photocopier?

But in an office you’re not in charge of 44 tonnes of vehicle doing up to 56MPH that can kill someone very easily if something goes wrong.

Someone else who believes all the propaganda

It’s not theirs anymore,
This is our England now.