CPC National

Also 4 hours at batleys today and ive pretty much annihilated the unit 2 reading materials :smiley:

Just need to do a few practice case studies.

Doin my exam in Edinburgh next Friday too, good luck to all!!!

I have just finished a course and the last couple of days we have been practicing case studys for Module 4 and the most important thing I gained from it is understand what they want you to tell them and how to put it down.

They can ask you to either EXPLAIN, IDENTIFY and briefly explain or LIST certain things.

Explain means they want a few paragraphs

Identifty and briefly explain means they want an header and a sentence or 2

List they want just that, a list, no need to go into detail

We were also told to look for the word tabulated in the costings etc, which would mean they expect you to draw a table with HEADINGS

Hope this helps someone

Diesel Dave used to teach CPC, maybe still does occasionally and he has posted several articles about it on these forums.

I passed both mine in a different format in the early 80ā€™s but still like to ā€œkeep my hand in,ā€ the case study is always interesting and although legislation changes, the methods used do not change.

Im slowly starting to ā– ā– ā– ā–  myself, really worried about module 4. If they ask you to list say 8 things but you could only remember say 6 things would you get any marks for this at all?

Im slowly starting to [zb] myself, really worried about module 4. If they ask you to list say 8 things but you could only remember say 6 things would you get any marks for this at all?

Yes as long as they are correct. My teacher did say somethings they would mark until you gave a wrong answer then leave the rest, but I think this would be more for costings & schedules

I think you will find from reading the examiner notes on the OCR site they will mark your costings and if you make a mistake if they can identify it cast forward and award some marks where they can see you understand what you have done but just goofed on the addition.

I know for certain I goofed on one line in my costings but because I showed all my working out in detail I am certain that must have saved me some marks.


Im slowly starting to [zb] myself, really worried about module 4. If they ask you to list say 8 things but you could only remember say 6 things would you get any marks for this at all?

Yes as long as they are correct. My teacher did say somethings they would mark until you gave a wrong answer then leave the rest, but I think this would be more for costings & schedules

not sure about leaving it if you get one wrong, but Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve read on here if they ask for 8 things they will mark the first 8 and ignore any more you have written

Denis F:


Im slowly starting to [zb] myself, really worried about module 4. If they ask you to list say 8 things but you could only remember say 6 things would you get any marks for this at all?

Yes as long as they are correct. My teacher did say somethings they would mark until you gave a wrong answer then leave the rest, but I think this would be more for costings & schedules

not sure about leaving it if you get one wrong, but Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve read on here if they ask for 8 things they will mark the first 8 and ignore any more you have written

My teacher definately said that they mark upto a wrong answer and then dont mark the rest, which if it is a timed schedule or a costing makes sense, because if you go wrong somewhere, the rest of it will be wrong anyway

I have just finished a course and the last couple of days we have been practicing case studys for Module 4 and the most important thing I gained from it is understand what they want you to tell them and how to put it down.

They can ask you to either EXPLAIN, IDENTIFY and briefly explain or LIST certain things.

Explain means they want a few paragraphs

Identifty and briefly explain means they want an header and a sentence or 2

List they want just that, a list, no need to go into detail

We were also told to look for the word tabulated in the costings etc, which would mean they expect you to draw a table with HEADINGS

Hope this helps someone

i have been homestudying the course and have the exams on the 4th march,
best of luck to you and i take note of the above from your course tutor


Doin my exam in Edinburgh next Friday too, good luck to all!!!

best of luck to you, i have mine in the north west, fingers crossed

Thanks Deisel Dave and Denis F for your comments on the December '10 CPC thread.

I bought the EOS notes and they are much, much better than the cpc4u manual I had before.

I had a couple of days off work to cram some study in before tomorrow. Another hour of it and I think that will be me on info overload.

Just need that unit 2 tomorrow :unamused:

Good luck to everyone.

Well. I have revised all I can now. I go to bed thinkIng of STGO speed limits and wake up thinking of the formula for working out a liquidity ratio!

Good luck to all taking the exams tomorrow

Well!!! How do we think it went todayā– ā– ? I dont think units1&2 were too bad but I think its gonna be a long 6-8 weeks wait for unit 4 results. I answered all the question asked but whether they had the full substance of answers they were looking for im not so sure. Time was a factor in that i think. Fingers crossed anyway :confused:

Im almost certain iā€™ll pass unit 2, only 2 questions i didnā€™t have scooby about rest was pretty cast iron knowledge for me.

Unit 1 is a different kettle of fish, i just couldnā€™t remember a bloody thing, i reckon i guessed round 75% of the questions. Doubt very much if iā€™ll pass this.

Unit 4 started off bad the second question was the routing, took ages then when i done it all i hadnā€™t accounted for the vehicle checks at end of shift. So i put X through it all and re-done on it on the back pages. The rest of the questions just seemed to come to me except in the costing for the life of me i just couldnā€™t work out tyre cost per trip, worked everything else out. I just couldnā€™t see it so i guess iā€™ll only get some marks for that. Iā€™ll be really disappointed if i fail unit 4 as i think in my own mind anyway ive done pretty well.

The invigilator was fit as fā€¦!!! iā€™ll put it down to her putting me off if i fail the lot but she was gorgeous. Im going to go to bed now been up since 01.30am drove all the way from milton keynes to glasgow for that test, im cream crackered :cry:

Well glad that CPC exam is outta the way now,
how did you all doā– ā– ?

Unit 1 - aarh, i have company law and accounts, think i will be re-sitting this one.

Unit 2 - doddle, ceratin i have enough right answer to pass this, lots of questions i have seen before, have the drivers hours and ops centres questions down to a tea.

Unit 4 - Looking good here also. first 3 questions were exactly the same from the mock papers i got from friendberry (thanks, best 30 quid i ever spent). the rest should be covered also. i answered every questions but as you say is there enough substance to them,
hope so be disappointed if the examiner fails me on that paper as i thought i did pretty well, how many marks do you need again here 50 %, with 65% over the main 4 questions or something like that i just read.
should have this. again will be banging on the examines door if he doesnā€™t pass me.

So all in might have to re-sit unit 1, which ainā€™t bad from a homestudy point of view.
see in 6 to 8 weeks

Module 1 scraped a pass I think

Module 2 easy

Module 4 simple enough but spent a lot of time on the calculator so had to rush through the other questions a bit, but cant honestly say. I think if all my sums were right I should scrape through but who knows

I done mine in sept 09 me and a mate done ours i past all 3 modules 1st time my mate who is already an owner driver has failed for the 3rd time since basicly every spare min you get get your head into the books read reread and read again even when you think you have read it all read it again as there will be somthing you missed. when we done ours we had about 2 weeks inbetween the course and exams, my mate thought he knew it all and hardly bothered studying whilst i locked myself away and just swotted up trust me its worth it

see in 6 to 8 weeks

Iā€™ve never understood why it takes 8 weeks to give you the results of the examination. Granted Module 4 will take more than a cursory glance but Modules 1 & 2 are tick-box. Theyā€™re fed into a computer and scanned. If that canā€™t be done at the centre then a simple template to impose over each answer sheet. Every candidate could then have the result of their Module 1 & 2 exams sheets before they leave the exam centre.

At least that way they would know where they stood and whether to book another exam in three months time.
