CPC Case Studies

I wondered if someone more enlightened than me can explain something. I passed my Hazard and Multiple Choice today (well happy with 92/97 result). I saw that the case studies is something that I have to complete also, but reading some of the stuff on the interweb about this subject is getting me confused so I didn’t book that one.

Now, is there anything that I need to specifically study for this subject? The DVSA apparently published a book on it, but some say it’s a waste of money as it is not preparation material at all. Are these theoretical scenarios based on what you may come across in your driving career etc. etc. or is this all contained within the DVSA/Malcolm Green books with a bit of logic applied?

Thank you in advance.

I used just one book for both module 1a and module 2. I mainly focused on learning the multiple choice questions.

The Official DVSA Theory Test for Drivers of LGV / PCV Book

ISBN: 9780115535055

You can also get this book on ebay and amazon. It’s the official book so written by the same people that set the actual questions in the official government test.

When I took the module 2 test I was confident in about 80% of my answers and gave the remaining 20% of my answers my best guess. I passed easily as about half of my best guesses were correct, giving me a score of about 90%. The pass mark is about 80% which is lower than module 1a because it is a slightly harder test. Most people find module 2 slightly harder to pass than module 1a and 1b.


Use the same revision as you did for the 100 questions test, it’s essentially the same type of questions in a different format.
Common sense and process of elimination should help with any questions you’re not sure about. I didn’t find it any harder than the 100 questions

Just download “The Complete CPC” from App Store or Google Store. Practice for a bit and trust me you’ll be fine.

Passed mine (Module 2) yesterday first time. At first I was very worried about it etc because of the stuff I read on the internet but ignore it. It’s easy. Basically same questions like in theory test. All the best. :slight_smile:

Thank you all for your assistance. I feel a bit more confident in putting myself down for this one now, then finding the money and a good place to train near me in London is the next hurdle.

Thank you all for your assistance. I feel a bit more confident in putting myself down for this one now, then finding the money and a good place to train near me in London is the next hurdle.

London training schools are difficult to pass first time because of all the heavy traffic and cyclists on the road. Plus none of them have their own test centre so you are unlikely to get enough practice on the test routes and the reversing area. Training is expensive and you don’t have many hours to get up to test standard. You have a much better chance of passing first time if you go to PSTT in Nottinghamshire.

To echo other people’s comments, the CPC case studies is similar to the multiple choice questions, just you get given different scenarios and have to answer multiple questions relating to the scenario. I paid for the ‘Complete CPC’ app and found it much harder than the actual questions in the test… which is good I suppose, it’s stuff we need to know at some point…

I passed my CPC case studies test last week. You get plenty of time, just make sure to read the questions properly and double check your answers… good luck!