
Jingle Jon:
Not everyone feels fear, I am far from unique in that respect. And the lack of fear should not be confused with brave - brave people have fear but overcome it or control it. I merely don’t care if I live or die…

Guess there are a few if not more who dont give a toss either so do us all a favour an go do one and jump off a high bridge (without your parachute pls)

Olog Hai:

Jingle Jon:
FWIW, threat or no threat… I really don’t care. This may or may not surprise you but for good or bad… fear is a button I do not have.

Needless to say, I spend a lot of time in the smelly waiting rooms of RDCs, and on truck stops, never seen anyone who looked dangerous - unless you include killing themselves due to being almost too fat to move.

I choose my friends carefully, one of my best buddies is a Police Inspector, couple of other ranks and a couple of fire fighters, there’s a few ex-Army amongst our number along with a couple of full on civ divs. none are potentially dangerous.

So, your best intentions assumed and received in that vein, you’ll just have to know that I’m happy to take on anything and I’ll put my money on me… I’m happy to do whatever it takes to win.

I don’t make friends with criminals and the term grass… hmmm at best that is naive, at worst it’s complicity in crime. I’d rather stand with the law and take on the baddies.

Hmm. To go with all that, did you by any chance in 1980 spend some time dangling over a balcony at the Iranian Embassy wondering where a strange burning smell was coming from?

Are you suggesting he got his user name because people keep saying to him: Tell me another that’s got bells on it! :smiley:


I’ve already seen his pig. She often texts me when Jon Bravo two zero McNab is on nights… :grimacing:

Desperate times beaver or you feel sorry for her lol [emoji3]

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

Bit of both Brother…

Hey, hold it now.
I’m still sat here shaking in my boots, absolutely terrified, but taking his advice by…(.hang on to I get this right now)
…‘‘Thinking myself lucky that he is a genuinely nice person who cares about others, because he does not take too well to people trying to frighten him’’ apparently. :neutral_face:

And the 2017 Trucknet awards for the most Popular user and Post of the year goes to… :laughing:

Am I the only one thinking if he has no fear of death why does he pack a parachute when skydiving? I mean, if you’re not bothered either way if you live it just seems like you’re giving yourself extra work packing it. Bit of a chore

James the cat:
Am I the only one thinking if he has no fear of death why does he pack a parachute when skydiving? I mean, if you’re not bothered either way if you live it just seems like you’re giving yourself extra work packing it. Bit of a chore

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Bloody good point though. He obviously does care if he lives or dies since he bothers to take a parachute :smiley:

Think he has got scared and gone,or his mum took his key board for telling lies on the forum.

Thank you participants for solving a conundrum which has been pestering me for some time.

Having often wondered why staff at RDCs, along with other delivery and pick up locations… often treat drivers like they are the dumbest peeps on earth… between you, you have answered that question.

You are indeed the least well educated, thickest bunch of losers I have ever encountered.

Again, thank you… it was interesting making you all my ■■■■■ for a couple of days.

Jingle Jon:
Thank you participants for solving a conundrum which has been pestering me for some time.

Having often wondered why staff at RDCs, along with other delivery and pick up locations… often treat drivers like they are the dumbest peeps on earth… between you, you have answered that question.

You are indeed the least well educated, thickest bunch of losers I have ever encountered.

Again, thank you… it was interesting making you all my ■■■■■ for a couple of days.

So you haven’t got any answers, and are trying to swan away without looking a pleb?
I didn’t have you down as deluded as well… :unamused:

Jingle Jon:
Thank you participants for solving a conundrum which has been pestering me for some time.

Having often wondered why staff at RDCs, along with other delivery and pick up locations… often treat drivers like they are the dumbest peeps on earth… between you, you have answered that question.

You are indeed the least well educated, thickest bunch of losers I have ever encountered.

Again, thank you… it was interesting making you all my ■■■■■ for a couple of days.

Did you actually use the word “peeps”…good lord,are you a 13 year old internet warrior in real life■■?


Jingle Jon:
Thank you participants for solving a conundrum which has been pestering me for some time.

Having often wondered why staff at RDCs, along with other delivery and pick up locations… often treat drivers like they are the dumbest peeps on earth… between you, you have answered that question.

You are indeed the least well educated, thickest bunch of losers I have ever encountered.

Again, thank you… it was interesting making you all my ■■■■■ for a couple of days.

Did you actually use the word “peeps”…good lord,are you a 13 year old internet warrior in real life■■?

And for someone supposedly so well educated, you’d have thought they’d have known you can’t describe a group as a singular entity.
It should be ■■■■■■■ you cretinous moron! :smiley:

Jingle Jon:
Thank you participants for solving a conundrum which has been pestering me for some time.

Having often wondered why staff at RDCs, along with other delivery and pick up locations… often treat drivers like they are the dumbest peeps on earth… between you, you have answered that question.

You are indeed the least well educated, thickest bunch of losers I have ever encountered.

Again, thank you… it was interesting making you all my ■■■■■ for a couple of days.

A very poor flounce.

Jingle Jon:
Thank you participants for solving a conundrum which has been pestering me for some time.

Having often wondered why staff at RDCs, along with other delivery and pick up locations… often treat drivers like they are the dumbest peeps on earth… between you, you have answered that question.

You are indeed the least well educated, thickest bunch of losers I have ever encountered…

There is a certain type that haunt these RDC waiting rooms who have very common and predictable traits, they believe they are the cleverest and smartest people around and often tell tails of super human bravery, special forces, skydiving, rock climbing… you are Mr RDC; - ICMFP

the nodding donkey:

Jingle Jon:
Thank you participants for solving a conundrum which has been pestering me for some time.

Having often wondered why staff at RDCs, along with other delivery and pick up locations… often treat drivers like they are the dumbest peeps on earth… between you, you have answered that question.

You are indeed the least well educated, thickest bunch of losers I have ever encountered.

Again, thank you… it was interesting making you all my ■■■■■ for a couple of days.

A very poor flounce.

Mm, tough crowd these narccists.

I have to give 4/10 for flouncing effort and general preciousness in the face of overwhelming critique.

As mentioned point deduction for use of the word ‘peeps’.

All in all not a bad effort and an interesting opinion, let down by an over emotional interaction and delusional friend base.

Bonus point for using the word ‘gopping’, haven’t heard this since overhearing discussions about the boathouse in a Tesco’s RDC.

Jingle Jon:
Thank you participants for solving a conundrum which has been pestering me for some time.

Having often wondered why staff at RDCs, along with other delivery and pick up locations… often treat drivers like they are the dumbest peeps on earth… between you, you have answered that question.

You are indeed the least well educated, thickest bunch of losers I have ever encountered.

Again, thank you… it was interesting making you all my ■■■■■ for a couple of days.

:laughing: Seriously■■? :open_mouth:
Is that the best retort you can manage? :unamused:
You come on here giving it the big ‘‘I am’’ …‘’ I don’t scare easy me/I never do anything wrong/Do not mess with me/Think yourselves lucky’’ and all the rest of your inane boring childish crap, trying to build up your obvious mediocrity, and then this is your ‘‘Big Finish’’ ■■
YOU calling US losers? :bulb:
The irony of that statement coming from you is amazing. :laughing:

I’ll tell you to do what you told me to do earlier…Go and do one.
You’re a Grade A tool mate …end of. :bulb:

Re “gopping” I picked up on that straight away when reading it.

It’s normally used by people who hang around with squaddies (serving or ex) and the like and then think by using language and mannerisms similar to them actually “are” one of them.

Jon - ask your “friends” if they have ever felt fear? I guarantee every single one did at some point.

Anyone who didn’t was either a lunatic or a person to be avoided as they no doubt caused chaos. Usually thick as a whales ■■■■■■■■ too.

(Btw if you act like that with them - they WILL be laughing at you - it’s embarrassing tbh)

So you haven’t got any answers, and are trying to swan away without looking a pleb?

Well he needed to put a bit more effort into that one didn’t he? :unamused: …as it certainly didn’t work. :unamused:

I love these guys who come on here threatening everybody.
I aint the most tactful guy myself on here and in realworld, but I have a rule of thumb on this forum, I ask myself ‘Would I say this to a guy in a pub’ if the answer is ‘No’ then I don’t say it (ok fair enough I’ve had some ag in pubs in my time so maybe my filter needs adjusted :smiley: :unamused: )
My problem is I have always had a low tolerance and esteem for d heads, (which is where and why the aforementioned ag has kicked off…)…But to come on here giving it large, and telling us how ■■■■ hard he is and how we should think ourselves lucky he’s not this that and the ■■■■ other :unamused: I mean…you just wouldn’t would you ? :unamused:

Oh yeh and 2 more things.
I never got to find out what his ‘‘Full on Civ Div’’ mate really meant.
And I’m the only one to have ■■■■■■■ on here.
So hands off mate cos I’m really hard :sunglasses: , and anymore of it and I’ll hit you with one of my tassles and bury you in my frilly curtains.
You got me riled now so I need a manicure.

Bluey Circles:
There is a certain type that haunt these RDC waiting rooms who have very common and predictable traits, they believe they are the cleverest and smartest people around and often tell tails of super human bravery, special forces, skydiving, rock climbing… you are Mr RDC; - ICMFP

Glad i dont have to do rdc’s where i am but can just imagine the type…little skinny one in the corner in a spotless outfit c/w milk bottle glasses and goofy teeth…