Couple of questions need answering digital tacho

When I put my card into the tacho in the morning after daily rest and start driving it doesn’t reset the driving time from the previous days driving. Why does this happen?

When I’m not driving the tacho automatically defaults to break. Is it possible to set it to default to other work?

And finally what does it mean when it asks you “24 hr day yes/no”?

Cheers in advance.

I’m no expert but the only reason I can see is your card is set to other work and not break.

I think the 24 hr question is for a print out of the last 24 hours before the unit ejects the card.

^^^^^^ As far as I know, if it still show your driving time from the previous day, it means you have recorded your daily rest as other work, Done it a few times trying to make a manual entry with hired vehicles with different tacho formals.

24 hour day is what it asks you when you ask for a print out

I have no idea about the defaulting to break, every digi tacho I’ve used he defaulted to other work. Could it be when you take your card out, it defaults to other work, Did it ask, rest until now when you put your card in?

24 hours means are u working to 24 hour rule ie no ferry crossing or domestic the reset it should do it auto if u are pressing the country start ie uk and break

When I put my card into the tacho in the morning after daily rest and start driving it doesn’t reset the driving time from the previous days driving. Why does this happen?

When I’m not driving the tacho automatically defaults to break. Is it possible to set it to default to other work?

And finally what does it mean when it asks you “24 hr day yes/no”?

Cheers in advance.

It means you need to go on a DCPC course (grabs tin hat and takes cover)

When I put my card into the tacho in the morning after daily rest and start driving it doesn’t reset the driving time from the previous days driving. Why does this happen?

Because you are not properly accounting for your time between pulling the card one day and putting it back in the next. The procedure is slightly different depending on how old/what version the tacho is, but I think you may find that you need to do a quick manual entry to ensure the preiod between shifts is not recorded as Other Work.

When I’m not driving the tacho automatically defaults to break. Is it possible to set it to default to other work?

Yes, but AFAIK this can only be done by a tacho service centre. It’s just the way it has been set up.

And finally what does it mean when it asks you “24 hr day yes/no”?

The heiroglyph that appears on the display at the same time gives the clue here - when you eject your card, the last thing it does before spitting it out is to ask if you want a printout of the current 24hr period. i.e. it is saying “do you want a printout (yes/no)?”

Your tacho problem is the new 1.4 units. Your first entry needs to be other work and end of last shift time. Next entry should be set to bed or ? and the start of new shift time. Then other work and current time.

For example that is. Your circumstances may differ. Biggest thing to get right is the time between shifts. This must be bed or ?

When I put my card into the tacho in the morning after daily rest and start driving it doesn’t reset the driving time from the previous days driving. Why does this happen?

When I’m not driving the tacho automatically defaults to break. Is it possible to set it to default to other work?

And finally what does it mean when it asks you “24 hr day yes/no”?

Cheers in advance.

Your not doing manual entry’s correctly or starting and finishing your duty in the correct mode …

If you happen to be so lucky as to not have to do manual entry’s before you remove and insert your card put the mode on to rest .

Thanks for the replies. I usually put the card in first thing in the morning and take it out last thing in the evening so do I still need to do manual entries?


When I put my card into the tacho in the morning after daily rest and start driving it doesn’t reset the driving time from the previous days driving. Why does this happen?

When I’m not driving the tacho automatically defaults to break. Is it possible to set it to default to other work?

And finally what does it mean when it asks you “24 hr day yes/no”?

Cheers in advance.

It means you need to go on a DCPC course (grabs tin hat and takes cover)

I have done the cpc course but I wasn’t using digital tachographs at the time.

When I put my card into the tacho in the morning after daily rest and start driving it doesn’t reset the driving time from the previous days driving. Why does this happen?

As has been said, this is almost certainly happening because you’re putting the card in and not checking what’s happening and doing a manual entry, it’s probably a type 2 digital tachograph in which you need to record the daily rest period.

You’ll probably get infringements for insufficient daily rest.

When I’m not driving the tacho automatically defaults to break. Is it possible to set it to default to other work?

The default activity when the ignition is switched off can only be changed at an authorised tachograph workshop.

And finally what does it mean when it asks you “24 hr day yes/no”?

The tachograph is asking if you want to do a printout.

You’ve replied while I was typing.

Thanks for the replies. I usually put the card in first thing in the morning and take it out last thing in the evening so do I still need to do manual entries?

Yes, see above.

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^^^ ok thanks for the help.

I’m getting this on mine and when my tacho was downloaded I had no infringements

Maybe because I didn’t put manual entry in for the 10 days holiday I had also always put it on bed before I eject and daily rests as normal any ideas

Also I say no to 24 VDO as I only work UK locally this correct ?