Couple of jokes

Princess Katie’s wedding shoes were too tight. Once in the bedroom Wills helped them off. The family heard grunting, straining, a scream, and Wills say ‘That was tight!’
The Queen said ‘Told you she was a virgin.’
Then they heard Wills say ‘Now for the other one.’
More grunting and straining and Wills says ‘My god, that was even tighter!’
The Duke says ‘That’s my boy, once a sailor always a sailor!’

Following the death of the human cannonball at The Kent Show a spokesman said ‘We’re gutted. We’ll struggle to get another man of the same calibre.’

Harry bumps into William at the reception.

“Brilliant do, bruv. Have you seen Dad?”

“He wasn’t invited, mate,” replies Wills, “but mine’s dancing with Camilla.”