Could you do this in one hit?

Don’t want to seem stupid…but what tractor unit is this? I’ve driven a DAF XF95 & 105 before and I’m sure the cab wasn’t this long…this looks almost like a DAF version of a Scania Longline :S

It’s easy to see why he made such a meal out of it, his positioning was all wrong in the first place, from then on he tried to sort it all out with small shunts when he should’ve pulled out & started again, but that’s the way they do it, you give em the biggest yard in the world & they will jacknife onto a bay, that bloke has the easiest truck in the USA to reverse, short wheelbase, no bunk in the way so you can get it really bent & a Freightliner has decent steering lock.

I must also say that it’s easy to mock, you may think you’re good drivers, I’ve always been pretty decent when going backwards, yet when I first got over to Canada I struggled a bit, those trailers are really slow to react so you wind a load of lock on & then you cant get it off, I got the hang of it though, until I got my Peterbilt, it’s 10ft longer than that Freightliner, the only thing I can see out of the side window is my exhaust stack, the mirrors are dead flat so as soon as the trailers gets more than 3ft off the straight ahead you can’t see it anymore & the steering lock is awful, even then I still manage a lot better than most over there, they really are not very good at going backwards :unamused:

Edited! :blush:

Don’t want to seem stupid…but what tractor unit is this? I’ve driven a DAF XF95 & 105 before and I’m sure the cab wasn’t this long…this looks almost like a DAF version of a Scania Longline :S

It basically is. It is a one off stretched Daf 95XF. When spankey is back on I am sure he will give you some links for photo’s and details.


Don’t want to seem stupid…but what tractor unit is this? I’ve driven a DAF XF95 & 105 before and I’m sure the cab wasn’t this long…this looks almost like a DAF version of a Scania Longline :S

It basically is. It is a one off stretched Daf 95XF. When spankey is back on I am sure he will give you some links for photo’s and details.

I bet it’s a big hit with VOSA then :unamused: I presume you can only drive it under the same conditions as a longline, shorter trailers and all? Whats are they like inside?


Big ■■■■:
Have you any photos of the inside of that daf i have never been inside one like that before cheers

full photo’s can be found here


a link to a thread with full pictures has already been posted on here :wink:

as for VOSA, i have never had a problem with them, i pull containers around the country, so i am nowhere near the max length

Looking at the other topic with the renovation pics…looks like a very nice motor now…its impressive what a bit of TLC can do. Looking at it makes me want to buy my own unit and do it up…but I really don’t have the cash and cant be bothered to go down the self employed route struggling to make ends meet. :stuck_out_tongue:

That would be discount watch co at Hockley or that way ? Must be 5 years since i delivered there surprised there still going, Used to get steel deliveries on same road too which made it interesting and there always a Maritime motor in there.

That would be discount watch co at Hockley or that way ? Must be 5 years since i delivered there surprised there still going, Used to get steel deliveries on same road too which made it interesting and there always a Maritime motor in there.

i was subbing for Maritime when that photo was taken, and about half an hour later, a Maritime motor turned up to deliver at the same place :unamused: