My Dad was thinking of owning a 7.5t.
It will mainly be used for catering and the odd removal job.
He has somewhere to put it so I assume he can make a deal to get the 6 weekly check done it. (I think it is 6 weekly).
- Driving it to work and the shops now and again both me and my Dad. I imagine this truck will see less then 4000 a year in mileage.
It wont get used much but I am not interested in paying a arm and leg to keep it on the road. My Dad just likes the idea of owning a truck. I know in America this is quite a popular thing but it concerns me doing it here as all the regulations and ■■■■.
So my questions is… I buy a truck for about £5,000.
Do I need O-licence?
Do I need O-CPC?
Whats’ the would we do with the taco? Neither of us drive trucks at work although we both have digital tacho cards.
Average cost of insurance would be great.
If anyone can calculate the average cost of insurance, storage and checks that would be great. I know its a lot to ask but I have no idea how much any of them would cost.
I swear I read something if you use your truck for personal use their is a exemption to O-licence or something like that.
Sorry if this is a stupid question/idea just wanted to get an opinion from people in the business before we even considered doing something like this.
You say the vehicle will be used for “catering and the odd removal job” then go on to talk about private use, if the catering and removal jobs are for hire and reward it won’t be private use and will need an operators licence and the tachograph will need to be used.
Will the vehicle be used for reward and do you both hold a cat C1 licence ?
Without knowing this I don’t see how anyone can answer your questions.
My dad has a C1 and I am having my C test shortly.
Ye, you are right it will be used for catering and removals. So I will need an O-Licence. Sorry for the confusion.
If the vehicle was to be used purely for your own catering business you could probably get away with a restricted operators licence and no CPC holder, but for removals for reward I’m reasonably sure you’ll need an full operators licence and CPC holder I’m afraid.
I’ve no idea about costs but I imagine one of the O\Ds may be able to give some guidance on that.
If the vehicle was to be used purely for your own catering business you could probably get away with a restricted operators licence and no CPC holder, but for removals for reward I’m reasonably sure you’ll need an full operators licence and CPC holder I’m afraid.
I’ve no idea about costs but I imagine one of the O\Ds may be able to give some guidance on that.
Thanks, to save the ball ache of getting a o licence we would probably just scrap the idea of doing removals anyway.
We currently spend 200 a month in garage fees for storing our equipment if we can throw it all on a 7.5 with a tail-lift it will make it a lot easier.
Even if you are just doing catering for hire and reward you will still need a O licence