Cornwall Truck Show

Anyone going this weekend?

Wish I could, but moving house. Went last year and it was good, not exactly truckfest size but very good atmosphere non the less. hope it goes well for them this year.

This will be my first time going, fingers crossed the weather’s semi decent!

This will be my first time going, fingers crossed the weather’s semi decent!

go Sat as apparently its going to be tipping it on Sunday, but given its Cornwall both you and I know that weather can be different from one valley to the next :laughing:

Hear Tony Stocks puts on a good show…couldn’t go last year-sounds like it will be bigger this year? Who do you guys driver for? :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

I’ve heard Sunday is showers but I’m in Paignton Saturday, with a bit of luck they will miss the Stithians area!
From what I’ve heard its growing every year. Not driving lorries at the min need to get my ■■■ in gear find a full time HGV job, van driving for Sainsburys outta Truro at the mo.

I’ve heard Sunday is showers but I’m in Paignton Saturday, with a bit of luck they will miss the Stithians area!
From what I’ve heard its growing every year. Not driving lorries at the min need to get my ■■■ in gear find a full time HGV job, van driving for Sainsburys outta Truro at the mo.

May pop down for a day out on Sunday :slight_smile: