i can only see the pencil on others posts mouse over just tells me when it was last edited and by whom i cant see the original unless its my post.
adding this bit as an experiement
i can only see the pencil on others posts mouse over just tells me when it was last edited and by whom i cant see the original unless its my post.
adding this bit as an experiement
Have I git it wrong ?
Again? !
i have added a sentence to my last post can you see the original?
You are right. I cannot see the original, but can see that an edit has ben made.
I must have been confused with another site. My error anyway.
no worries we are all learning our way around the site
Just to add to this in case for anyone who hasn’t noticed
When you select part of a post you get a pop-up box just above the selected text that gives you the option to quote the selection amongst other options, if you choose “Quote” it opens the reply textbox with the selected text quoted just like when you hit the reply button with text selected.
Hi Albion
Good to see you. How’s barge life working out for you?
Cate x
You must mean my posts franglais.
Oh No!
I can think of many, many, others in the queue before you!
Hi Cate
All good here. For various reasons i didnt get out much last year, though managed a few weeks on the Upper Thames, which was far more beautiful than I imagined. I’m waiting now on a knee Xray, this year may be a write off too! We will see.
How are you doing?