Coolload.. European freight exchange for Fridges

Coolload. Found this site while browsing the web. Anyone any experience or info on this site?

I e-mailed them asking if it was a bid/tender site or did clients offer prices. Got one back saying a bit of both. Didn’t get any info on rates but on the “testimonials” there are a couple of well know names saying they have increased their regular client base from work they found on site fitting in with their own.

It’s the same as Teleroute. you pay a membership fee and look at loads on offer and when you
find one you phone them and give them a rate !! :smiley:

It’s the same as Teleroute. you pay a membership fee and look at loads on offer and when you
find one you phone them and give them a rate !! :smiley:

Is it worth a go?
I mean for everything. Outward & return?
Tramping, regardless of destination, just taking whatever loads pay the best, then linking up with another to where ever??


It’s the same as Teleroute. you pay a membership fee and look at loads on offer and when you
find one you phone them and give them a rate !! :smiley:

Is it worth a go?
I mean for everything. Outward & return?
Tramping, regardless of destination, just taking whatever loads pay the best, then linking up with another to where ever??

You might be able to sign on for a free trial, then you can get an idea of whats on offer from its load providers. I had such a trial and there were some well known names on there and with the trial you do get the contact details. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I took the free trial & yes it did lead to a few openings.But as the previous comments say, all you get for your money is the contact numbers.If your out on the road with no acccess to e-mail then that also makes it a bit difficult.You can get the postings put to your phone but there is a charge for this.& many loads are taken within minutes.Im probabley painting a grim picture there ,but take that free trial & see how you go!!!

**But still be carefull who you work for!!!**No guranteees of payments!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Most rates are backload rates aswell!!! :cry: :cry:

It seems to me the EU isn’t working for us. All these East Euro countries getting EU grants then cutting the rates right across Europe is all bollock. The EU should set up a standard system were rates are set or revert back to a permit system whereby one in, one out.
They throw billions at the Agricultural system even if you only have a goat, three chickens and an apple tree but are silent over freight. But then in Britain we have consistently voted for Governments quite happy to see our industry bought up by foreigners, then closed down and shipped abroad. Why not fright, after all we produce bug*er all?