Cooking with just a microwave


you can make the most of your microwave and use it for frying bacon and eggs with a grill plate :smiley: … B000WIQ43C

Me too and had it delivered to the truck :laughing: :laughing:

Sounds interesting, I must try this…:slight_smile:

I used to carry a gas stove, a wok, a saucepan and quite an extensive larder - olive oil, herbs, a pepper mill, all that stuff. At one time I even grew fresh herbs on the dashboard in pots! I like cooking, and I like my food, so I used to be quite adventurous when I was tramping. In fact, I ate better on the road than I did when I was at home, since at least I could shop fresh every day. I never had a microwave, and I never would … horrid things. If I couldn’t use gas, I’d manage with salad, nice bread and cheese and pate, or something.

big boots:

you can make the most of your microwave and use it for frying bacon and eggs with a grill plate :smiley: … B000WIQ43C

This looks brill , will have to get one

dont forget to wash it all down with plenty a these :smiley:


Me too and had it delivered to the truck :laughing: :laughing:

Sounds interesting, I must try this…:slight_smile:

Obviously not where I am now, was when I was tramping :laughing:
Though I do have the kebab van on the Nursling Industrial Estates phone number - call them 5 minutes before you get there and it’s ready :sunglasses:

Obviously not where I am now :laughing:

Yeah I thought so…lol. Best I did when tramping was drop the trailer & drive to the pizza shop & get what I wanted (piping hot yes please). Even at home I hardly have stuff delivered, I mostly ring ahead & go collect…

Make a massive pot of spag’ bol’. Easily microwaved, doesn’t ruin and is nice and healthy. Sprinkle some strong grated cheese on for best results.


Me too and had it delivered to the truck :laughing: :laughing:

Sounds interesting, I must try this…:slight_smile:

only really any good if you got a post code but Parked on the A27 by such and such worked out good for me

jacket spud and beans …

only really any good if you got a post code but Parked on the A27 by such and such worked out good for me

Don’t they think you’re a hoax or something…?:lol:


only really any good if you got a post code but Parked on the A27 by such and such worked out good for me

Don’t they think you’re a hoax or something…?:lol:

na not when you pay on the card

big boots:

get yaself some of these from iceland,chicken masala’s are good too,like proper take away curries,nice and hot and microwave does’nt ruin em :smiley:

I imagine the ‘beef’ contained in this is not the best cut you can get.

One pound fifty, to be spread around between the farmer who bought a calf, raised it and took it to slaughter, the abbatoir, the ‘food manufacturer’ and the suppliers of the other ingredients, the packaging company, Iceland, the transport of the livestock to slaughter, then the transport of the the meat to manufacturer, then transport to the RDC, then from RDC to store.

I know all about economy of scale and all that, but anything that can be sold for one fifty and make money for all those people is not something I want to be eating :open_mouth:

I would grow a set and cook on gas regardless.
They trust you with a 44t truck and thousands of pounds worth of good but then undermine you because you might blow yourself up :laughing: well funny.

Would never go back to a gas cooker and I can have whatever I want in the truck,it’s much faster,easier and cleaner to use a microwave.


Order a pizza or something lol, iv done it :slight_smile:

Me too and had it delivered to the truck :laughing: :laughing:

And I have too along with Chinese and Indian food order a few meals for the next day to when you have a microwave. :wink:

I would grow a set and cook on gas regardless.
They trust you with a 44t truck and thousands of pounds worth of good but then undermine you because you might blow yourself up :laughing: well funny.

Nothing funny about blowing yourself up with a gas cooker in the cab, many guys on here including myself know guys that it happened to. Most guys doing long haul in the 70’s 80’s can tell true renditions of cab explosions, or unwary drivers dying from gas poisoning from a leaking bottle or split hose. It happens a lot more than you think that’s why the insurance companies don’t like it.
