Hi Folks,
I’m being nominated as TM on a firm’s new standard national operator’s licence and understand it’s good practice to have a contract, as the TC likes this… 
I’ve completed the TM1 and I am ready to give that to the director to send it in, and I’ve heard there is now another document that sets out the precise scope of your work with the operator?
This being the case, is there any need for a formal written contract, other than for setting out renumeration/financial conduct etc.?
I’d hate to have to push an umpteen page contract under his nose if it isn’t necessary…
Your thoughts please? 
As far as I believe, you would only need a proposed schedule to show when you are working on this contracts transport and how this fits in line with any other contracts and work. However, for your sake I would get something solid in writing
Mile long contracts are a pain in the arse but if they start running sloppy and get a rep with the DVSA they are affecting you too so you need to lay down at the start the rules and penalties associated with bad running. You also need to lay out for them what you are going to do to protect them if another firm you are working for lands you in front of the TC.
I did a few days down south a while back for a pallet network who had to bail out one of their depots because the outside TM whipped his name of the O-Licence and left them stranded. He didn’t even tell the operator, they found out when one of the wagons got pulled over and the driver told the O-Licence was invalid. The operator tried to speak to the TM and were told, we haven no contract and I got a better offer so bye. No contract, no comeback.
I’m not saying you will do this but you need to prove with the paperwork that you wont. Also you need to get them to agree in writing that if another outside TM comes along charging less, they wont just dump you like a sack of Marris pipers.
Thanks Gents, points duly noted…and I have now put together a short but very to-the-point contract with the help of a forum member. It basically stipulates my responsibilities, and theirs, outlines my contract rate for the work and notice period for either party. hat should suffice for the TC and cover me adequately I believe.