Contact Lenses

Hi Guys n Gals,

I’ve been a contact lens wearer for about 3 years now and find them absolutely perfect for driving at night (no glare off glasses etc) really couldn’t be happier.

But a friend recommended that I try “Constant wear” monthly disposables instead of my current daily disposables.
They arrived this morning and I put them in about 8 hours ago now. They went in a lot easier than my old lenses (although I never had any problems there) and they feel so much more comfortable, I think its due to the slight extra rigidity in them, obviously they are ever so slightly thicker than dailies.

Does anyone out there wear constant wear soft lenses? especially trampers, no problems with the air con drying them out etc?

Just interested to hear if other drivers think they are as good as they seem to be in the few hours I’ve been trying them.


aint tried contacts but had mine lasered last nov,best money i ever spent :laughing: :laughing:

Would have mine Lasered but I have a Class1 medical for my pilots license and when I had it done having the Laser surgery was a no no, might have changed in the past 3 years but I don’t want to risk it really.

Thanks for the tip though, perhaps one day!
