Confused about the cpc ? already hold c1 d d1 and have just passed my lgv theory an hpt will i have to take cpc now or have 5 years to do 35 hours i think i have asked this question before but keep seeing different things on websites and get confused either the way they are written or the way i interpretate them , could anyone put it into plain old simple english for me many thanks rod

If you have your C1 licence before 10th Sept this year then you don’t need the inital CPC. Just the on-going which is 35 hours in the next 5 years.

already hold c1


For YOUR LGV C you just need…
Module 1a theory questions - multiple choice - LGV THEORY BOOK and/or training by LGV school
Module 1b HPT - HPT DVD and/or training by LGV school
Module 3 practical drive - Training for this by LGV school. DSA LGV test centers & routes

Both modules 1a & 1b must be passed before taking 3.

Modules 1a, 1b & 3 to get the LGV LICENCE

If still confused then PM me :smiley:

I’ll assume you have a C1 licence as you passed your car test before 1997?

I’ll assume you have a C1 licence as you passed your car test before 1997?

have just passed my lgv theory an hpt

He must have or he would not be able to book a DSA LGV theory - those that passed a DSA LGV C1 test cannot book LGV theory tests as the DSA booking system blocks them out as they did it when they did C1

Having a C1 on the licence will also block him from booking any initial driver cpc tests

DISCLAIMER - that’s how it should work with the DSA booking system but …

Thanks for clearing it up ROG.

rodd3r5 - as you already hold a D then make sure you get all the 35 hours of periodic driver cpc completed by 9 Sept 2013 or you will temporarily lose your right to drive Ds commercially until you do complete all the 35 hours.

Once you have completed all the 35 hours, your DQC (Driver CPC Card) will have an expiry date of 09/09/2019 for both PCV & LGV

Only one set of 35 hours needs to be done to cover both PCV & LGV

If you have D auto then when you pass C manual your D will get upgraded to D manual but double check when the licence comes back after passing C because DVLA keep missing this upgrade :exclamation:

THANK YOU ALL very much for clearing that up for me and rog thanks matey i have a manual licence but nice to know that as one of my mates has a auto and is goin for his lgv 2 at the mo will pass that on cheers