Complete cock on A9


Dr Damon:
I might add some drivers have a strange perception when it comes to safety in my view.

I will give you a heads up on here in answer to your question, there are actually some very good lads and intelligent ones too on here, however there are some odd balls indeed and even some that are not even drivers, for some strange reason that I have yet to fathom out why anyone would want to pretend to be a driver beggars belief. You will get to hear from them and learn to ignore them. Incidentally you have been arguing with one of the decent ones :wink: To be fair though we can all seem argumentative and it is easy to upset the wrong ones. I have counted around 25 really decent posters on here who I would either engage or answer, the rest I don’t even bother with. No one believes anything you say so careful not to fall into the trap of trying to put an argument up that you know anything about or some no mark will insist they know better and you are a troll. You will get the hang of it.

Yep thanks I understand what you are saying and yes I know for sure there are some good lads on here.
I would presume the one you say I have been arguing with is Caveman and he has certainly gained my respect more recently.
It was the fact that he doubted what I was telling him that through a spanner in the works initially.
Yes I am learning especially to keep my mouth shut especially about myself but I can assure you I have been around and driven trucks of all sorts and am no troll.
Just like to express my opinion and of course that really upsets some but bad attitudes and bad driving upset me!



Dr Damon:
I might add some drivers have a strange perception when it comes to safety in my view.

I will give you a heads up on here in answer to your question, there are actually some very good lads and intelligent ones too.

Jeez :unamused:
Love the way you say there are ‘actually some intelligent ones’ as if it’s some kind of revelation. :open_mouth:
You sound like 2 upper class old ■■■■■ in smoking jackets and cravats, sat with a glass of Chablis 82 and a cigar each in an exclusive gentlemans club on leather Chesterfield chairs, in front of a flickering log fire.

‘‘I’ll tell you what Damon old chap, there are actually one or two intelligent types among these plebs that drive these large juggernauts you know’’.

‘‘Yes I know old boy, we’ll have to keep these ruffians in their place and be more careful…, don’t want them to get ideas above their station, you know how these types can be old bean’’

Bloody hell! :unamused: :open_mouth:


Dr Damon:
Used both routes many times. All depends where we are going and what we are travelling in or on!
And prices of course.

I used to service all of the refrigeration and installed the air conditioning systems on most of the North Sea Ferries, was a good contract until the contract went out to tender and they bought the contract very much like haulage firms do to keep their vehicles running.

I used to use 'The love boat ’ :smiley: , and the Zeeby ferry regularly.
Only thing was warm beer in the bars, and runny ice cream in the trucker’s restaurant…
And don’t even mention the cabins in summer, hot or what. :open_mouth:

:wink: :smiley:



Dr Damon:
I might add some drivers have a strange perception when it comes to safety in my view.

I will give you a heads up on here in answer to your question, there are actually some very good lads and intelligent ones too.

Jeez :unamused:
Love the way you say there are ‘actually some intelligent ones’ as if it’s some kind of revelation. :open_mouth:
You sound like 2 upper class old ■■■■■ in smoking jackets and cravats, sat with a glass of Chablis 82 and a cigar each in an exclusive gentlemans club on leather Chesterfield chairs, in front of a flickering log fire.

‘‘I’ll tell you what Damon old chap, there are actually one or two intelligent types among these plebs that drive these large juggernauts you know’’.

‘‘Yes I know old boy, we’ll have to keep these ruffians in their place and be more careful…, don’t want them to get ideas above their station, you know how these types can be old bean’’

Bloody hell! :unamused: :open_mouth:

im thinking…this.
and dont be mentioning the zeeby ferry,its not march yet


Well tbh it is a surprise that there is intelligence from some on here, it is not an exclusive club by any shot, however membership numbers are dwindling.

''I’ll tell you what Damon old chap, there are actually one or two intelligent types among these plebs that drive these large juggernauts you know’'.

Yes Rob I gathered that being one myself of course. Lol.

I thought it was only the haters that call them

Dr Damon:
''I’ll tell you what Damon old chap, there are actually one or two intelligent types among these plebs that drive these large juggernauts you know’'.

Yes Rob I gathered that being one myself of course. Lol.

I thought it was only the haters that call them

They’re only Juggernauts when they’re going through villages. Thems the rules.

I think thee are far less idiots on the A9 than on the roads ‘darn sarf’ … but you find them everywhere.

I think thee are far less idiots on the A9 than on the roads ‘darn sarf’ … but you find them everywhere.

from traffic counts website
A3, Buster Hill, - 96,783 vehicles per day
A9, Dromochter, - 8,308 per day

So yep, 12x more idiots down south.



Dr Damon:
Used both routes many times. All depends where we are going and what we are travelling in or on!
And prices of course.

I used to service all of the refrigeration and installed the air conditioning systems on most of the North Sea Ferries, was a good contract until the contract went out to tender and they bought the contract very much like haulage firms do to keep their vehicles running.

I used to use 'The love boat ’ :smiley: , and the Zeeby ferry regularly.
Only thing was warm beer in the bars, and runny ice cream in the trucker’s restaurant…
And don’t even mention the cabins in summer, hot or what. :open_mouth:

:wink: :smiley:

Not on my watch there wasn’t I will have you know.




Dr Damon:
Used both routes many times. All depends where we are going and what we are travelling in or on!
And prices of course.

I used to service all of the refrigeration and installed the air conditioning systems on most of the North Sea Ferries, was a good contract until the contract went out to tender and they bought the contract very much like haulage firms do to keep their vehicles running.

I used to use 'The love boat ’ :smiley: , and the Zeeby ferry regularly.
Only thing was warm beer in the bars, and runny ice cream in the trucker’s restaurant…
And don’t even mention the cabins in summer, hot or what. :open_mouth:

:wink: :smiley:

Not on my watch there wasn’t I will have you know.

Took you some time to cotton on :unamused: …thought you’d missed it. :smiley:

Took you some time to cotton on :unamused: …thought you’d missed it. :smiley:

Just seen it :smiley: