Is 5 in 12 months a lot ,I don’t think it is ,roughly 1 every 2 months ,considering the miles we drive per day ,week ,month ,year and the idiots we’ve got too put up with every day indontbthink it’s a bad score ,I mean we’re outbthere too move loads not make friends .
You’d think the t.o bods would have something better too do with there time than take notice of some [zb] stirring car driver
Is 5 in 12 months a lot ,I don’t think it is ,roughly 1 every 2 months ,considering the miles we drive per day ,week ,month ,year and the idiots we’ve got too put up with every day indontbthink it’s a bad score ,I mean we’re outbthere too move loads not make friends .
You’d think the t.o bods would have something better too do with there time than take notice of some [zb] stirring car driver
thats really bad here is your P45
and your sacked Bradford for repeating the first post again
are you dozys twin brother by any chance
Is 5 in 12 months a lot ,I don’t think it is ,roughly 1 every 2 months ,considering the miles we drive per day ,week ,month ,year and the idiots we’ve got too put up with every day indontbthink it’s a bad score ,I mean we’re outbthere too move loads not make friends .
You’d think the t.o bods would have something better too do with there time than take notice of some [zb] stirring car driver
I really look forward to your posts dozy, the way irony goes right over your head, and your lack of self awareness is a constant source of humour
Have a quick scan through the "How not to overtake’’ thread, all your questions will be answered.
It’s handy to have the phone numbers on the back. Once phoned up one company to ask them to pass a message onto the driver that one of the trailer fenders was dragging on the road behind him.
Is 5 in 12 months a lot ,I don’t think it is ,roughly 1 every 2 months ,considering the miles we drive per day ,week ,month ,year and the idiots we’ve got too put up with every day indontbthink it’s a bad score ,I mean we’re outbthere too move loads not make friends .
You’d think the t.o bods would have something better too do with there time than take notice of some [zb] stirring car driver
I really look forward to your posts dozy, the way irony goes right over your head, and your lack of self awareness is a constant source of humour
Have a quick scan through the "How not to overtake’’ thread, all your questions will be answered.
i 100% believe DOZY has taken over from or is Boss and Driver.
The depot boss said he was going too work with me on the issue ,no mention of p45 ( when you can’t get drivers ,even a bad one is better than no driver ) ,
Says it all really!!
If you get 5 complaints in 12 months perhaps its time to consider a different occupation.
I drove for a company for 6 years with a “How’s My Driving” sticker on back and didn’t get one complaint
5 complaints in 12 months is bad. Stobart motors don’t even have a number on the back if memory serves, or anywhere, so people have even taken the time to look up contact information as well.
Dozy. Are you going to blame the fact you drive for stobarts as the reason you get complaints? If so why have I only had one in 8 years? (To be fair i was guilty but denied it.) Is it because you a very poor trolley Dolly style driver?
shunters summed it up ,every one else can get the hang of a one way system bar you
Dozy and happysack do you guys know each other away from trucknet?
No idea , I talk too loads of drivers ,a lot I’ve no idea what there name is ,it’s just a simple case of alright mate ,unless I know them then it’s ok John,joe etc .
I’ve never been into this ■■■■■■■■ , I don’t like him ,her ,them ,who they work for etc etc ,it’s playground stuff and I’m way past that stage ,if someone speaks too me then too not reply ,chat too them is too me just plain ignorant ,not something I am and would want to be.
Dozy and happysack do you guys know each other away from trucknet?
No idea , I talk too loads of drivers ,a lot I’ve no idea what there name is ,it’s just a simple case of alright mate ,unless I know them then it’s ok John,joe etc .
I’ve never been into this [zb] , I don’t like him ,her ,them ,who they work for etc etc ,it’s playground stuff and I’m way past that stage ,if someone speaks too me then too not reply ,chat too them is too me just plain ignorant ,not something I am and would want to be.
Dozy and happysack do you guys know each other away from trucknet?
No idea , I talk too loads of drivers ,a lot I’ve no idea what there name is ,it’s just a simple case of alright mate ,unless I know them then it’s ok John,joe etc .
I’ve never been into this [zb] , I don’t like him ,her ,them ,who they work for etc etc ,it’s playground stuff and I’m way past that stage ,if someone speaks too me then too not reply ,chat too them is too me just plain ignorant ,not something I am and would want to be.
You still haven’t said what the complaints about you driving were?
Are they all the same, different, tailgating, from car drivers, other truck drivers, pedestrians?
I’ve been with my current company for 18 months and in that time I have had 2 complaints and a few dents.
One complaint was that someone raced around a roundabout having reached ‘green’ with his speed ie catching the timings, and found me on the other side of the large roundabout pulling out in an old 300hp manual box with a full load at 44t on. He had to slam on the anchors to avoid hitting me and therefore rang the company to complain. I think that one was dealt with by the office staff, but the other was about clipping a road sign which may not have been my fault as it happened in a different county. ie I’d used the A14 all week then one time took the M1/M25 route. That was the day someone complained that I’d done something to them on the A14. The road sign had damaged their car or something.
Couple of collisions due to fatigue or not paying enough attention, or forgetting not to turn until I had cleared something but not that many.
But if I got a complaint a month I’d be out on the agencies again…
Couple of collisions due to fatigue or not paying enough attention, or forgetting not to turn until I had cleared something but not that many.
Frightening that you dont consider lack of attention and fatigue a real problem.
Thats ignoring the fact that you admit to not being able turn properly indicates to me that you dont take driving seriously
Its a problem, but if there is no wiggle room in the shift I’m stuffed. As for the turning bit, the best way to describe that is 90 percent of the time I drive a regular trailer. The other 10 I have a rear steer one on, and if coupled with tiredness I can forget it pivots on the front of 3 or 4 axles on the trailer…