Company Resposibility when you reach 15hours [Merged]

“We got back to work at 17:15pm. Handed in paperwork getting home at 18:00.
I had to clock on at 23:45 the same night as company said I started my rest at the service station at 14:35 when I took my tacho out…

Surely this is a wind up!!!
So after all that with them dumping you in a services you actually paid for a taxi and took your paper work back into work before heading home■■?,the paper work would of been down the nearest grid!!
Also by going into work and handing in the paper work you have just broken the law as this would be classed as other work which will of been well after your 15 hours was up,oh and you will have also broken the law by starting work again at the time you stated as you legally would of required minimum 9 hours off from when you left work after you had handed the paper work in!
Maybe a pull and a fine from DVSA for two serious Tacho offences will encourage you to not roll over like a dog and let them ■■■■ on you next time.

Doesn’t sound like Morrison’s are a good employer then?

Doesn’t sound like Morrison’s are a good employer then?

Lol so it’s not only me who instantly thought morrisons :grimacing:

This is surely a wind up.

“IF” this is true…
The race to the bottom is nearly over.
What business wouldnt want an employee with this level of commitment?

Wind up there is nobody that thick and to make it worse there is no two thicks together that would come up with this
Also there is no company that would do that

The only way the new driver would have got the keys to my truck is if they agreed to give me a lift back, illegal or not. You need to stand up for yourself as they really are taking the ■■■■.

Sittingbourne to IOW, store deliveries, and then back to Sittingbourne must regularly run into problems. Are there no sleeper cabs at your place ? If there are then why the ■■■■ are they using day cabs on that run ?


Doesn’t sound like Morrison’s are a good employer then?

Lol so it’s not only me who instantly thought morrisons :grimacing:

This is surely a wind up.

Silly me I had Waitrose in my head. :blush:

I really can’t belive anyone would go anywhere without money or cards . :unamused:

Just like to add it was Skills Motor Coaches from Nottingham who were the first company to be fined for taking and collecting drivers to and from destinations in a company vehicle to either start or finish a shift
It was classed as working/duty time
Secondly another Nottingham firm RH Freight were fined the same for taking drivers down to Dover in a minibus and then the drivers were starting their shifts from Dover after being on “duty” from Nottingham but they were well known in my hometown of Nottingham for running bent flash motors crap pay

Hi All,
I work for a well known supermarket logistics distribution company based in South East U.K.
I’ll try to make this as short as possible .
I set off in my LGV to the Isle Of Wight. Unable to get any earlier ferry back to Southampton we (another driver in another Unit) had to get the ferry we were booked onto. That was the 10:30am ferry.
As I clocked on at 23:45 the previous evening I had exactly 3 hours to get back to north Kent as the ferry docked at 11:45am.
With traffic problems and withthe company very regularly contacted even from Isle Of Wight before ferry departed, we ran out of hours stopping at Clacket Lane services between jct 6/5 on M25. Approx 40 miles for DC.


Were you double manning the truck?

Time spent traveling from vehicle to home or from home to vehicle cannot be counted as Rest if the vehicle is away from its normal operating base. So if the employer is knowingly directing you to start work again only 5 or so hours after you got home they are breaking the law.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

Day Cab so could stay with vehicle. As I understand it after 15 hours you cannot travel in a company vehicle (law) even as passenger. But no accommodation at these services even if we had money.

There is a hotel at Clacket Lane.

believe this might be a wind up, it’s very good, but willing to go with it?

@andyatmorri What was the job of the second driver and did they start in the truck at the same time as you?


Doesn’t sound like Morrison’s are a good employer then?

Lol so it’s not only me who instantly thought morrisons :grimacing:

…given the OP’s name, I sincerely hope not!

No there is no hotel at clacket lane Kent bound. The only one is opposite side of M25…
yes I’m new, very new to driving lgv’s.
I asked for advise on the law as clearly I didn’t and don’t know it.
Why would this be a wind up. Yes it’s a very regular run but first time I’ve done it and
normally stay within 40 miles of base. So yes I agree I’ve messed up but transport mNager told me my responsibility is for me to work out out how I’m getting home,
Other driver was doing the very same job in his own vehicle.

Aren’t Morrisons heavily unionised??

I’m quite surprised the other drivers didn’t tell you to get in the passenger seat! Legal or not.

Did they ask you at all what your plans were?

If a firm dropped me in the crap like that I think the keys would be getting flung into the drain along with the paperwork.

If you are new then that goes some way to explaining it. A more experienced driver would tell the office to get ■■■■■■ in that situation

Always make sure you at least have a bit of cash/bank card stashed and also the basics for a night out because things often go wrong. No matter what you had on the truck, or whether its a day cab or not, there is no way you should let yourself be turfed out of the cab unless they were putting you up in a hotel or giving you a lift home.

No there is no hotel at clacket lane Kent bound. The only one is opposite side of M25…
yes I’m new, very new to driving lgv’s.
I asked for advise on the law as clearly I didn’t and don’t know it.
Why would this be a wind up. Yes it’s a very regular run but first time I’ve done it and
normally stay within 40 miles of base. So yes I agree I’ve messed up but transport mNager told me my responsibility is for me to work out out how I’m getting home,
Other driver was doing the very same job in his own vehicle.

Hey up mate it’s your gaffers responsibility to give you work to do legally in your legal working day also your not legally obligated to work 15 hours that’s your choice not your gaffers

As others have said I’d have planted myself in passenger seat and refused to move. You broke law anyway by going back to work to hand paperwork in. But, whatever you did the way the company acted, if true, is unbelievable. Oh and going to work without your wallet is a bit daft


No there is no hotel at clacket lane Kent bound. The only one is opposite side of M25…
yes I’m new, very new to driving lgv’s.
I asked for advise on the law as clearly I didn’t and don’t know it.
Why would this be a wind up. Yes it’s a very regular run but first time I’ve done it and
normally stay within 40 miles of base. So yes I agree I’ve messed up but transport mNager told me my responsibility is for me to work out out how I’m getting home,
Other driver was doing the very same job in his own vehicle.

Hey up mate it’s your gaffers responsibility to give you work to do legally in your legal working day also your not legally obligated to work 15 hours that’s your choice not your gaffers

Hmmmm, had he refused to do more than 13 hours he’d have been even further from home…