Commercial motor site

Is it just me or do you find the commercial motor site very poor?
every time i try to look it takes an age to load up and now i see its full of adverts which make reading a problem, i find it hard to believe that it can be seen as an improvement over the old road transport site which was much better!
is this just a temp job or as good as is going to get?

same here

Theres an issue with an advert intruding onto the page that shouldn’t, I have informed the web team but suspect it will be Monday before they pick up on it.

Yeah, I was going to mention about the Scania ad, I like them but they might be going for it a bit too much with this one. :laughing:

The news website has always taken ages to load some articles for me, it may be because my browser is old but…

Theres an issue with an advert intruding onto the page that shouldn’t, I have informed the web team but suspect it will be Monday before they pick up on it.

Even with all the ads blocked it still loads at the pace of a snail. Also the layout is horrible and designed by a kid in his back bedroom.