
is he ok ? seen a post elsewhere thats made me wonder wont post what ive seen til i hear from some one

I’ve no idea but pretty much the same question was asked in this thread

animal reckons she knows why he’s not posting but isn’t saying, I imagine she would say if anything had happened to him :wink:

Not my doing either! :open_mouth:

Not my doing either! :open_mouth:

but you know someone who did

I am here:
It’s not theirs anymore,
This is our England now.

It ain’t necessarily sooooo! :laughing:

is he ok ? seen a post elsewhere thats made me wonder wont post what ive seen til i hear from some one

stop believing everything you see on Facebook Dave, Robert Knapp is a made up Facebook page.
Next you’ll be thinking this new management committee on dreamersworld is democratic and fair and that boss is a driver :sunglasses:

I am here:
It’s not theirs anymore,
This is our England now.

that explains it then cheers :unamused:


is he ok ? seen a post elsewhere thats made me wonder wont post what ive seen til i hear from some one

stop believing everything you see on Facebook Dave, Robert Knapp is a made up Facebook page.
Next you’ll be thinking this new management committee on dreamersworld is democratic and fair and that boss is a driver :sunglasses:

FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME…^THIS^ …Thanks Stu! :unamused:

I heard he has defected to truckersworld and is organising a march to downing street with Barrie tizer to fight the driver cpc.

He’s planning his Hampden campaign…

He has gone down in my opinion and is half the man I knew!

Theres a lot of tension on this Trucknet thingy,peeps need to chill out.

Wheel Nut:
He has gone down in my opinion and is half the man I knew!

What has he had a gastric band fitted.

Coffee is taking some time out, something almost all the admin team have done over the years. I dont know why but I am sure if it was something I needed to know, he would have told me, as he hasnt I assume, its nothing to do with me and his business.

The Admin team are all volunteers and there is no requirement to put in certain hours, they come and go as they please.

would have been nice of him to say c ya

FFS…Have a day off. It’s private nuff said. :unamused:

Go ■■■■ yourself

Go [zb] yourself

Obviously his absence has affected some more than others :wink:

Ow do Coffee,we’ll see you when we see you.
Take it easy.