Coach/ Bus Camper conversion

I did not think it mattered how many seats a coach had you could drive it on a car licence as long as the passengers were not paying ■■?

I did not think it mattered how many seats a coach had you could drive it on a car licence as long as the passengers were not paying ■■?

Nope, seats count. If it’s got more than 17 including driver’s seat, it’s a cat D. If it’s 9-16 passenger seats then it’s minibus.

Only exception as Smart Mart said is historic bus (over 25 years old I think) which can be driven on car licence providing it’s NOT hire or reward and max 8 passengers + driver.

There were hire and reward minibus cases (old folks home - REPORT HERE) where driver only had grandfather (101= not for hire or reward) rights and it was deemed by VOSA that it was hire or reward. Removal of half the seats from 16 to 8 kept the VOSA man happy, even though the vehicle was the same size. That’s why you see airport parking buses with cages in the back. Means you can use B licence holders and stick a bit of luggage in.

The hire and reward rules are open to interpritation. It is illegal to charge your passengers a fare but OK if they pay a share of the cost.

When I worked in the NHS we used to loan our minibusses to approved charities. One of these organised a trip and advertised it as a cost inclusive of transport - this was deemed not legal - but if they had worded it differently it would have been OK.


I did not think it mattered how many seats a coach had you could drive it on a car licence as long as the passengers were not paying ■■?

Nope, seats count. If it’s got more than 17 including driver’s seat, it’s a cat D. If it’s 9-16 passenger seats then it’s minibus.

Only exception as Smart Mart said is historic bus (over 25 years old I think) which can be driven on car licence providing it’s NOT hire or reward and max 8 passengers + driver.

There were hire and reward minibus cases (old folks home - REPORT HERE) where driver only had grandfather (101= not for hire or reward) rights and it was deemed by VOSA that it was hire or reward. Removal of half the seats from 16 to 8 kept the VOSA man happy, even though the vehicle was the same size. That’s why you see airport parking buses with cages in the back. Means you can use B licence holders and stick a bit of luggage in.

That report was dated Jan 24 2005 and has since been changed - see below…

I have e-mailed my MP with this…

Please could you ask the relevant MP for a definitve answer to
this problem as DVLA, DSA & VOSA do not have one!!
I have D1 on my licence with a 101 code restriction which means
that I cannot drive it for Hire or Reward.
I can drive it as a volunteer (unpaid), for my personal use or
on a section 19 clause - that is clear.
If I in paid employment by company ‘A’ can I drive company ‘A’
staff around in it??
If I am paid employment by company ‘B’ can I drive company ‘A’
staff around in it if they are not paying company ‘B’ ■■
It is the definition of ‘Hire or Reward’ that may be the crux
of this !!

The reply might take a while but I will get one :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

GOT ONE :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

A friend of mine has proposed a holiday next year to Europe for some Skiing with a load of mates.

If I were to buy a coach and convert it into a big sleeper with beds, sink, etc. What would I need to do to stay legal?
Would I need to get a PCV license, as I’m only HGV at the moment. Would I need to get a tacho fitted? what else would I need to do.

Money no object, I’m aware it would be a lot of work, but you’re only young once eh?


Now where have I seen this before

Whatever the licence he needs…there is no doubt he did a very good job in converting the old coach…and i`m completely jealous…may he enjoy many happy times in the old girl.

ROG that letter covers what is in effect staff transport. I used to do that stuff and it’s deemed not hire or reward.

However, old folks on the old folks home minibus, hotel guests on a hotel courtesy bus, nursery children on the nursery minibus are hire or reward.

Ten mates on a day trip to Scarborough dividing the cost of rental/petrol with no profit would be fine. Flogging concert tickets to Joe Public with free transport to the gig wouldn’t.

Anyway, it’s gone off at a tangent.

I think we need to decide what a converted coach is first! (in respect of driver licencing)

Let’s take a 53 seater Plaxton Supreme III :wink: and take 37 seats out. What is it then? I make it a private minibus, but I haven’t really given it much thought.

AS I SAID HIRE & REWARD you wont need a pcv
Not sure about hgv but as youve got one it wont matter probably dont need one of those either as it will be a CAMPER.
Dont need seat belts its a CAMPER Ive got an old coachbuilt camper probably sqeeze 8 in the back & 2 inthe front but like I said Its a CAMPER
I think those are the rules & regs you should be looking at scarab
Like you said in your original post VOSA DIDN`T WANT TO KNOW :exclamation:

When you buy the coach, make sure it still isnt tested to carry passengers, as you will still need a PCV to drive it back…

A friend of mine had to do his class 2 in order to drive his new motorhome as it was over 7.5t. However it only needs a conventional MOT certificate.

A coach that has been converted into a motorhome is surely now a ‘motorhome that just happens to be coach shaped’ and should be the same as any other motorhome.

Or maybe not, as these things have a habit of being more complicated than that.

I passed my test 1992 and drove a minibus with 16 seats until last year when we converted it to a campervan now has 3 seats