I look at facebook Harry. I’m not into the chat on there.I look at local sites with stuff for sale.There are also quite a few of my family anf friends on there.Quite a few lorry drivers I know are friends on there.
Trucknet is my preferred site.
Cheers Dave.
Dave the Renegade:
I look at facebook Harry. I’m not into the chat on there.I look at local sites with stuff for sale.There are also quite a few of my family anf friends on there.Quite a few lorry drivers I know are friends on there.
Trucknet is my preferred site.
Cheers Dave.
Chris Webb features quite a bit on my pages I keep saying I’ll pass
the time of day with him but I’m rubbish with computers and don’t
really know how to go on, I do see a lot of people wanting to be my
friend but that worries me I wonder what I would be letting myself
in for so I just ignore them, they must think I’m a right plonker.
thanks harry, long retired.
'tDave the Renegade:
I look at facebook Harry. I’m not into the chat on there.I look at local sites with stuff for sale.There are also quite a few of my family anf friends on there.Quite a few lorry drivers I know are friends on there.
Trucknet is my preferred site.
Cheers Dave.hiya,
Chris Webb features quite a bit on my pages I keep saying I’ll pass
the time of day with him but I’m rubbish with computers and don’t
really know how to go on, I do see a lot of people wanting to be my
friend but that worries me I wonder what I would be letting myself
in for so I just ignore them, they must think I’m a right plonker.
thanks harry, long retired.
I haven’t added many people as friends Harry.I haven’t got my correct date of birth or location on there.There are that many scams going on I don’t add anyone that I don’t know.
Cheers Dave.
Dave, don’t worry about your age, My son used to shread paperwork with his address etc, but he still had someone run up a bill in his name, and it stemmed from when he sold his house, the chap who purchased it, rented it out. He was upset, and said they even had my correct birth date, I told him, I just destroy account numbers of cards and thats all, for anyone can check the election role, and your name address age and birth dates are on it. So it a waste of time to hide you age, address, when sociaty has made it so easy for crooks to scam you.
Norman Ingram:
Dave, don’t worry about your age, My son used to shread paperwork with his address etc, but he still had someone run up a bill in his name, and it stemmed from when he sold his house, the chap who purchased it, rented it out. He was upset, and said they even had my correct birth date, I told him, I just destroy account numbers of cards and thats all, for anyone can check the election role, and your name address age and birth dates are on it. So it a waste of time to hide you age, address, when sociaty has made it so easy for crooks to scam you.
Tell you what Norm if they tried to scam me for money they’d get nowt
my only wealth is my house and car so they’d need to put summat into my
account before they could get owt out.
thanks harry, long retired.
Norman Ingram:
Dave, don’t worry about your age, My son used to shread paperwork with his address etc, but he still had someone run up a bill in his name, and it stemmed from when he sold his house, the chap who purchased it, rented it out. He was upset, and said they even had my correct birth date, I told him, I just destroy account numbers of cards and thats all, for anyone can check the election role, and your name address age and birth dates are on it. So it a waste of time to hide you age, address, when sociaty has made it so easy for crooks to scam you.hiya,
Tell you what Norm if they tried to scam me for money they’d get nowt
my only wealth is my house and car so they’d need to put summat into my
account before they could get owt out.
thanks harry, long retired.
But Harry your mattress might get a little thinner, when they get to all of those fivers you got from nights outs on the BRS.
Norman Ingram:
Norman Ingram:
Dave, don’t worry about your age, My son used to shread paperwork with his address etc, but he still had someone run up a bill in his name, and it stemmed from when he sold his house, the chap who purchased it, rented it out. He was upset, and said they even had my correct birth date, I told him, I just destroy account numbers of cards and thats all, for anyone can check the election role, and your name address age and birth dates are on it. So it a waste of time to hide you age, address, when sociaty has made it so easy for crooks to scam you.hiya,
Tell you what Norm if they tried to scam me for money they’d get nowt
my only wealth is my house and car so they’d need to put summat into my
account before they could get owt out.
thanks harry, long retired.But Harry your mattress might get a little thinner, when they get to all of those fivers you got from nights outs on the BRS.
Norm my mattress is thinner than the Times on Sunday and worth
a darned sight less, if the burglars can find owt in my place I say
good luck to them, but leave me the price of a drink if you can find
anything,then they’d have to put their hand in their own pocket to oblige.
thanks harry, long retired.
I always thought the times was thick,
just like I thought your wallet was
What with holidaying with the rich Arabs,
top class hotels down London
drinking malt whisky by the gallon. Then top class bathroom by dolphins and all that money you earn childminding.
I can even see you voting conservative next election!
Norman Ingram:
I always thought the times was thick,![]()
just like I thought your wallet was
What with holidaying with the rich Arabs,
top class hotels down London
drinking malt whisky by the gallon. Then top class bathroom by dolphins and all that money you earn childminding.
I can even see you voting conservative next election!
I noticed Harry hasn’t replied to your post Norm.You must have touched a raw nerve mentioning politics. I don’t sit on the fence when it comes to politics.I don’t rate any of the modern day politicians whatever party they represent.
But as a working class bloke I would never vote Conservative.Even if Harry was the candidate.
Cheers Dave.
Dave the Renegade:
Norman Ingram:
I always thought the times was thick,![]()
just like I thought your wallet was
What with holidaying with the rich Arabs,
top class hotels down London
drinking malt whisky by the gallon. Then top class bathroom by dolphins and all that money you earn childminding.
I can even see you voting conservative next election!
I noticed Harry hasn’t replied to your post Norm.You must have touched a raw nerve mentioning politics. I don’t sit on the fence when it comes to politics.I don’t rate any of the modern day politicians whatever party they represent.
But as a working class bloke I would never vote Conservative.Even if Harry was the candidate.
Cheers Dave.
Don’t dabble in or talk about politics at all my views on modern day
politicians is they are all pocket liners, their own pockets that is and
they don’t give a toss about the working man and employers who try
to keep going and if in the transport industry finding it harder with
the price of fuel and running vehicles becoming more expensive by
the week, this coalition we are lumbered with now are the biggest
joke of all time, I’ve seen a few governments in my time but this lot
are the biggest load of “plonkers” ever.
thanks harry, long retired.
What do you make of this shot “H” ? Dennis.
What do you make of this shot “H” ? Dennis.
Driven past many a time but never imbibed there I used the Hamilton
which was only a ■■■■ stride from Bowkers yard on Hollin Bridge street
can’t remember the street/road where the West View is on from memory
but a Bowker lad who lived quite near and used it for his local sang it’s
praises, maybe he was trying to poach the Hamilton clientele in exchange
for a pint or two, nice drop o’ beer Mr Thwaites. Am I correct Dennis ■■.
thanks harry, long retired.
I have took so many loads to thwaites in Blackburn I have lost count, used to have a smashing canteen, have eaten quite a few of breakfast, while waiting for them to pump out the tanker.
Norman Ingram:
I have took so many loads to thwaites in Blackburn I have lost count, used to have a smashing canteen, have eaten quite a few of breakfast, while waiting for them to pump out the tanker.![]()
At last I have found someone to blame for all the hangovers in years gone by,
here’s me trying to drink Blackburn dry and our “Nosser” importing the bloody
stuff I tell you I’m notorious for backing losers.
thanks harry, long retired.
Harry don’t blame me!
I only delivered it, they ordered the Carlsberg, several loads a week.
And I thank you chaps and women of the north and Scotland for keeping me so well paid at Carlsberg.
Without you, I would not be as well off,
you did me proud by keeping me in employment for the last 22years of my working life, if I drank now I would lift my glass and toast you lovely people.
Norman Ingram:
Harry don’t blame me!![]()
I only delivered it, they ordered the Carlsberg, several loads a week.
And I thank you chaps and women of the north and Scotland for keeping me so well paid at Carlsberg.
Without you, I would not be as well off,
you did me proud by keeping me in employment for the last 22years of my working life, if I drank now I would lift my glass and toast you lovely people.
Norm, My “Old Lady” blames me for everything if the bleedin cat had kittens
I’d get the blame, so surely I can lighten the burden and place some of the
blame for my demeanors onto your shoulders you’re bigger and stronger than
me, Norm I wish when in the days of your brewery deliveries I’d known you I
would have kept a couple of clean buckets to hand, you know for that little
drop which was always left in the discharge pipe, could have drunk a couple
of buckets no bother when I was a lad.
thanks harry, long retired.
Yes I was very popular in Bolton, when I pulled up there, the whole street used to come out with buckets, and in Smiths yard in Glasgow. Also when I delivered To northern Ireland, I was told there and over in Scotland by several women, I was a generous handsome man,
I wonder if it was the effect of the special brew.
Norman Ingram:
Yes I was very popular in Bolton, when I pulled up there, the whole street used to come out with buckets, and in Smiths yard in Glasgow. Also when I delivered To northern Ireland, I was told there and over in Scotland by several women, I was a generous handsome man,![]()
I wonder if it was the effect of the special brew.
Were you delivering to homes for the visually impaired Norm.
Cheers Dave.
Dave the Renegade:
Norman Ingram:
Yes I was very popular in Bolton, when I pulled up there, the whole street used to come out with buckets, and in Smiths yard in Glasgow. Also when I delivered To northern Ireland, I was told there and over in Scotland by several women, I was a generous handsome man,![]()
I wonder if it was the effect of the special brew.
Were you delivering to homes for the visually impaired Norm.
Cheers Dave.
I think they needed directions to the nearest “Specsavers”.
thanks harry, long retired.
What do you make of this shot “H” ? Dennis.hiya,
Driven past many a time but never imbibed there I used the Hamilton
which was only a ■■■■ stride from Bowkers yard on Hollin Bridge street
can’t remember the street/road where the West View is on from memory
but a Bowker lad who lived quite near and used it for his local sang it’s
praises, maybe he was trying to poach the Hamilton clientele in exchange
for a pint or two, nice drop o’ beer Mr Thwaites. Am I correct Dennis ■■.
thanks harry, long retired.
Hiya “H”,I’ve been “off air” for a day or two but I thought you could throw some light on that old sign.However,I was “weaned” on another Blackburn brewed ale in the early 60’s,“Duttons”,they had taken a brewery over in Kendal many years previous(can’t just recall the name) but they closed the brewery and kept all the Pubs.Well now then,when I was circa a 14 year old the old lad I helped on his Market garden and on his horse and lorry on his fruit and veg rounds took me into the Victoria Tavern one lunchtime,which is/was just under the shadow of the railway bridge on the A6 Shap Rd. As long as I behaved my-self and sat quiet I was allowed to sample a gill or two.Sammy and Annie Bell the landlord/lady were great folk and the “Duttons” was the best pint in town,so I stuck with it for years afterward,and then Whitbread took Duttons over !! I was never fond of either Youngers,Vaux or Hartley’s which owned the many other pubs in the town.There was no Thwaites up our part of the country until they took over a brewery in Lancaster,Yates & Jackson who owned the little boozer just over from our depot in Milnthorpe,but I can’t say I like Thwaites,I have always found it a “bit sharp”,Cheers Dennis.