Close it down #2 [UKT]

I am at a loss for words… Why was the post closed? It was all as sensible as possible and actually a factual post. Interesting content seems to be lacking, the majority of the thread was very good in my opinion.

I am at a loss for words… Why was the post closed? It was all as sensible as possible and actually a factual post. Interesting content seems to be lacking, the majority of the thread was very good in my opinion.


Firstly, I’ve split your question from Bigtruck3’s question because it seems (to me) that your question relates to a specific topic, whereas my reading of Bigtruck3’s question got me to thinking that his question was couched in general terms. Sorry if I’ve got that wrong.

To answer your question, it was me who removed the topic.

I removed it because it was clear that somebody was lying, (no names mentioned and not for us to decide) which then led to the old hue-and-cry calling out of “trolls” (no names mentioned) followed by the keyboard warrior gang turning up and inevitable petty name calling (no names mentioned.)

:bulb: If only people had the ability to scroll past that which they don’t like/doesn’t interest them without biting to it. It’s a simple concept that seems to be beyond a few on here. :unamused:


I am at a loss for words… Why was the post closed? It was all as sensible as possible and actually a factual post. Interesting content seems to be lacking, the majority of the thread was very good in my opinion.


Firstly, I’ve split your question from Bigtruck3’s question because it seems (to me) that your question relates to a specific topic, whereas my reading of Bigtruck3’s question got me to thinking that his question was couched in general terms. Sorry if I’ve got that wrong.

To answer your question, it was me who removed the topic.

I removed it because it was clear that somebody was lying, (no names mentioned and not for us to decide) which then led to the old hue-and-cry calling out of “trolls” (no names mentioned) followed by the keyboard warrior gang turning up and inevitable petty name calling (no names mentioned.)

:bulb: If only people had the ability to scroll past that which they don’t like/doesn’t interest them without biting to it. It’s a simple concept that seems to be beyond a few on here. :unamused:

That makes sense now. I agree with your decision. However I do feel that the suspects posts should have been removed rather than the full topic as I did find that the majority of people including some that usually name call very sensible. I just cannot see why some insist on reading posts that seem to annoy them or even why it annoys them so much. If I do not like a members post I simply bypass it and move on to something more interesting.

well done dieseldave for locking the topic promptly ,
long may that practice continue as it was instantly obvious it was yet just another attention seeking exercise .

there is always the option of removing any need for such actions by simply blocking the i.p addresses of multiple account users and obvious trolling/fishing posts in the first place?
by removing the problem,then there is no problem to solve.
fantasy irritants will no longer be able to post,and everyone else will no longer have to read attention seeking rubbish which they may feel the need to report,resulting in no issues for the moderators to have to deal with.
surely a win win win all round?
yes,members may look elsewhere,yes members can ignore the trolling rubbish ( after they have read it),but surely it would be easier for all concerned if the posts were simply not there to be seen in the first place as they serve no purpose whatsoever other than to irritate and annoy the majority of normal genuine posters.?
you can hardly blame the genuine posters that take offence at troll posts when you allow them to be posted in the first place?

i do enjoy a bit of banter and extracting the urine to varying degrees,and theres no limit to the amount of varying opinions which is what the forum is all about,but theres just absolutely no place for trouble making trolls whether they have multiple user names or otherwise.

well done dieseldave for locking the topic promptly ,
long may that practice continue as it was instantly obvious it was yet just another attention seeking exercise .

there is always the option of removing any need for such actions by simply blocking the i.p addresses of multiple account users and obvious trolling/fishing posts in the first place?
by removing the problem,then there is no problem to solve.
fantasy irritants will no longer be able to post,and everyone else will no longer have to read attention seeking rubbish which they may feel the need to report,resulting in no issues for the moderators to have to deal with.
surely a win win win all round?
yes,members may look elsewhere,yes members can ignore the trolling rubbish ( after they have read it),but surely it would be easier for all concerned if the posts were simply not there to be seen in the first place as they serve no purpose whatsoever other than to irritate and annoy the majority of normal genuine posters.?
you can hardly blame the genuine posters that take offence at troll posts when you allow them to be posted in the first place?

i do enjoy a bit of banter and extracting the urine to varying degrees,and theres no limit to the amount of varying opinions which is what the forum is all about,but theres just absolutely no place for trouble making trolls whether they have multiple user names or otherwise.

Reading this is so ironic, it is you who always instigates and throws around you’re false accusations. You are the biggest troll on here. That is a fact.


well done dieseldave for locking the topic promptly ,
long may that practice continue as it was instantly obvious it was yet just another attention seeking exercise .

there is always the option of removing any need for such actions by simply blocking the i.p addresses of multiple account users and obvious trolling/fishing posts in the first place?
by removing the problem,then there is no problem to solve.
fantasy irritants will no longer be able to post,and everyone else will no longer have to read attention seeking rubbish which they may feel the need to report,resulting in no issues for the moderators to have to deal with.
surely a win win win all round?
yes,members may look elsewhere,yes members can ignore the trolling rubbish ( after they have read it),but surely it would be easier for all concerned if the posts were simply not there to be seen in the first place as they serve no purpose whatsoever other than to irritate and annoy the majority of normal genuine posters.?
you can hardly blame the genuine posters that take offence at troll posts when you allow them to be posted in the first place?

i do enjoy a bit of banter and extracting the urine to varying degrees,and theres no limit to the amount of varying opinions which is what the forum is all about,but theres just absolutely no place for trouble making trolls whether they have multiple user names or otherwise.

Reading this is so ironic, it is you who always instigates and throws around you’re false accusations. You are the biggest troll on here. That is a fact.

as far as i am aware,then commenting and ousting an obvious troll post would not make the commenter a troll.
by definition then irrespective of multi user identities or otherwise,when you post blatantly obvious dross ( as you constantly do),its only natural to receive derogatory comments from myself and several others.
no doubt there are many more of similar views,that simply cant be assed replying to yhe usual ukjaketramprowleydrdamon ectect subjects.

obviously you could always practice what you just previously preached by reading below and acting accordingly.

I just cannot see why some insist on reading posts that seem to annoy them or even why it annoys them so much. If I do not like a members post I simply bypass it and move on to something more interesting.

as far as i am aware,then commenting and ousting an obvious troll post would not make the commenter a troll.

But this is you and a few others opinions only, fueled by you’re constant false accusations of my having multiple ID. You constantly accuse anyone who agrees with me, leave it to the mods to sort out as they know who have multiple ids not you.

But this is you and a few others opinions only, fueled by you’re constant false accusations of my having multiple ID. You constantly accuse anyone who agrees with me, leave it to the mods to sort out as they know who have multiple ids not you.

We have explained (many times) that having multiple IDs is NOT in breach of forum rules, but some choose to make a hue and cry about it.

TBF, the making of a hue and cry about ‘ousting’ trolls isn’t against forum rules either.

You yourself once told us how easy it is to make people think that you’d posted from somewhere other than you’d actually posted from, which even includes being in a different country.

For this reason, it would be extremely difficult for the Mod/Admin Team to confirm or deny your (or anybody else’s) claim to have only one posting account.

The problem that the troll hunter gang have is that there is a certain standard of proper proof required because this isn’t a school playground.

as far as i am aware,then commenting and ousting an obvious troll post would not make the commenter a troll.

Completely agreed!!

by definition then irrespective of multi user identities or otherwise,when you post blatantly obvious dross ( as you constantly do),its only natural to receive derogatory comments from myself and several others.

As long as the attack is against what a person writes, this IS fair game under the forum rules.

Topics get locked/removed (never deleted) when the attack goes against the person who wrote something, which IS against the forum rules.

Unfortunately, there are some who cannot (or will not) see the distinction.

no doubt there are many more of similar views,that simply cant be assed replying to yhe usual ukjaketramprowleydrdamon ectect subjects.

IMHO, the posters who can’t be assed replying, are probably wiser than the posters who can’t control the urge to bite and then get stuck in because these are the folks who get topics locked/removed.