Close call thursday

FFS I used to work in IT, and know a bit about video encoding…

I haven’t killed any kittens for heaven’s sake! [emoji1]

Kittens have rolled over and just given up on life because of that post!! Have you no shame man!!! [emoji14]

Mind you he is correct, YouTube is notorious for pixelating content that you upload to compress it within an inch of its life. Oops now I’ve harmed Kittens too. That’s your fault Beezle lol

Double post.

WTF is going on here!!!

Triple post grr all I want to do is rephrase my last post. Bloody technology!!!


That was definitely a close call Si, just guessing, but I think you were running unladen if not having to swerve like you did could easily had you over on your side :open_mouth:

Dave Penn;

I call bs on this. I reckon si has just found the vid on YouTube. No way it was him, far too slow!! :laughing: :laughing:

lol 40 limit, motorway is another thing :grimacing:

I can understand that the car driver didn’t see a Scania but how on earth could he not hear you coming from about 2 miles away.■■? :smiley: :smiley:

Perhaps you need to fit smoke generators on top of the pipes so that cars will take Scania more seriously■■?

Only kidding but beautifully side stepped there Mr Mes-si, sorry I mean Mr Burnley-si. Well done.

It just goes to show what can happen if only for a moment we take our eyes off the road for phone, prat-nav, radio, notes, map or whatever.

The next time I get tested like that I surely hope I do just as well.

Slacken off on the Tobes a bit. I think he is only referring to the horns after the offender has been passed.

If it were me it would be similar horns out-muscled by lots of abusive language as a natural human response to being suddenly tested like that rather than an appropriate effort to forewarn the octgenarian in accordance with the Highway Code that his chances of ever seeing ninety are about to disappear.

got a shovel to pick my rubber up

As a truck driver, you allow for the idiots on the road and allow for their mistakes, so you adapt for every day scenarios like this, and NOT blow your poncey air horns to show your incompetence in driving and then throw the toys out of the pram, grow up, you are an imbecile .

A55 0LE ,obviously never been in that situation. Do you actually drive a truck ? Or was that you in the car ? Would love to hear how you would of handled that particular situation.

Toby has gone unusually quiet, wonder why ■■ :laughing:

Toby has gone unusually quiet, wonder why ■■ :laughing:

He got the result he wanted.

image.jpegAnd just round the corner from there ,Crunch ! Could very nearly have been me .