Clocks going back - while driving

not happened to me before - but this morning at 1.59 - Tacho started flashing, saying remove card, as it happens i was just approaching corley services on M6, got in, stopped, removed Tacho - clock whirred, set time back to 1am. put in NEW tacho, carried on



It should’ve been done at the end of duty or shift as you will now have a double trace on your card for that time stated.

Wrong. I presume this wasn’t a digi tacho as they don’t need the time changing. Removing a chart then putting it back in after the clock has wound back will mean over writing what has all ready been recorded which is an offence. You should have waited until the end of the shift.

Does this mean my analogue tacho will have changed itself to the right time by tomorrow then?

I take it digi’s do it automatically?

I took the old Tacho out, and put a new one in - If i had left the old one in (or put it back in) then surely it would have written over the previous time frame?

So, I have two tacho’s for that shift - one that runs from 1900 sat to 0200 sunday, and another that runs from 0100 sunday to about 3ish

He did say he put a new one in… the machine was insisting on it, so he has an excuse. Not a great one, but he has an excuse. Guess he could prove it too… “Just come back in 6 months officer, and I’ll show you the proof!” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

not happened to me before - but this morning at 1.59 - Tacho started flashing, saying remove card, as it happens i was just approaching corley services on M6, got in, stopped, removed Tacho - clock whirred, set time back to 1am. put in NEW tacho, carried on


You’ll need to put a manual entry explaining what happened on the charts :wink:

Does this mean my analogue tacho will have changed itself to the right time by tomorrow then?

I take it digi’s do it automatically?

Not sure about the analogue tacho, I think it depends on the type and age.

The digital tachograph records everything in UTC time all year round so it’s only the displayed local time that will be wrong and that isn’t recorded on the driver card or tachograph head, but as far as I know the local time (UK time) that’s displayed doesn’t change automatically.

Does this mean my analogue tacho will have changed itself to the right time by tomorrow then?

I take it digi’s do it automatically?

If your analogue tacho is the one with a drawer like a CD player then it will change automatically, provided it’s empty.

the moral to this story dont do nights
dont work last weekend in October

not necessary but not illegal
just wait for the earache when the infringment sheet comes through
just point out it was there lack of training :laughing:

Ok here’s an interesting one for you, I drove an Analogue truck till about 5am (on BST)
then changed to a digi truck for the last 4 hours

Now obviously I had to take my chart out.
Wrote the reg no of the new truck in the 2nd space and then wrote digi tacho in the milege place.

At the end of the shift I did a print out from the digi, noting on the back that I was still working on BST (and quoting the BST time)

Have put the print out with the chart

Right or wrong■■?

My school of thought (not having been told anything) was to provide as much infomation as possible.

My school of thought (not having been told anything) was to provide as much infomation as possible.

I would say that sentence sums it up perfectly, if in doubt do what you can to keep yourself in the clear.

Myself I would probably have made a note on the chart that all the times on the chart are to BST time, this would really be just to save any confusion and shouldn’t really be needed.

The digital tachograph records and prints everything in UTC time anyway so I don’t really see the need to keep a printout, I would have thought that the information on the back of the chart should be enough to stop any confusion.

The time that’s displayed on a digital tachograph is purely for your benefit and has no impact on what’s written on the driver card or the printout.

… but as far as I know the local time (UK time) that’s displayed doesn’t change automatically.

Correct. The local time has to be changed by hand.
