Clive Wood Transport, Brigg, new FH

Seen this twice, yesterday on M62 and today on M180 - first one I’ve seen on the road that’s not a demo looks good on the road

You seen it twice so you thought you had to post about it twice! :smiley::lol::grin::lol:

Not sure why it posted twice. Bloody phone!!

I think they look great :sunglasses:
Place I’m on for has got one hidden in garage til next week.
Gaffer wants it on the hush hush for some reason, so I won’t say much.
Shall post pics next week!

he doesnt trade as clive wood transport, its just clive wood ltd - sorry but i felt the need to point that out :slight_smile: . i’m a little bit disapointed with clive, i thought he might get it pimped up a little as it was to be the first one one the road in the country (so i’m told) but then i suppose by having a little paint applied here and there would have meant missing that bit of glory. at the very least all that black on the front wants painting white - that would vastly transform the look of an otherwise factory standard tractor with stickers on it :frowning:

I see matthew kibble transport has a new Volvo a pic poped up on fb but can’t seem to find it now :confused:

Saw one on the M6(s) tonight between Leyland and M58 junctions. bobtail, in the colours of Mathew Kibble,
definitely needs some colour on the front.

Search matthew kibble transport, its on his own page. I think the black plastic needs painting too!

I saw that on the M62 yesterday around about 4/4.30pm heading east. I bet the driver (quite rightly) feels smug !

Cold Up North:

That colour scheme does nothing for it, looks wrong!! IMHO is all.

Cold Up North:

That the be poped up

Thanks Cold up North :slight_smile:

Cold Up North:

Just seen this on the A14 and must say it looks better in the flesh, he was running with 5 others. Hope it’s comfy as he’ll be on the 14 for a while as I just watched a taxi stuff it into the central reservation near Kettering :open_mouth:

They loaded out of liverpool echo arena this morning, going to O2 for tomorrow nights gig.