Clearing house operators

Looking for operators in the UK that provide clearing house, return loads and pay sensible rates without having to wait an age for payment. :smiley:

Good luck with this one. Virtually every clearing house that I have ever dealt with is the exact opposite of what you are looking for. For loads from the West Midlands Greyhound Transport is about as good as you will get.

Good luck with this one. Virtually every clearing house that I have ever dealt with is the exact opposite of what you are looking for. For loads from the West Midlands Greyhound Transport is about as good as you will get.

Thanks for the recommendation, I’ve been out of the game for a few years and most the contacts I had have packed up, gone bump or retired… it’s a sad state of the industry that Hauliers don’t seem to work together these days.

Some people still do, but I’m very picky about who I work with. The two hauliers I work with, I could leave my rate sheets out whilst they were in the office and I know they wouldn’t approach my customers. Been stabbed in the back a couple of time though by thinking that others had the same collaborative approach I do.