Well Guys the time has come, Class one training this week with my test on Friday. I am writing this training blog to hopefully help any newbies that have fears of doing their class one, or anyone that is doing their class one soon and would like an understanding of what happens throughout the week.
Well as many of your know I have been slightly nervous about my class one training, I also had a work BBQ last night and a birthday party to attend to, I had a few drinks to calm my nerves, which I definitely regretted this morning and the fact I didn’t get to bed until 1am. But luckily my training did not start until 10.30am today .
So I arrived at the 2 start LTD for 10.30am, I went straight in and was greeted by many of my previous instructors and the staff. I sat down and had a chat with Reg(A previous instructor of mine) why I waited for my instructor, I had Robin today. Robin had a pupil on test this morning so was running late, but Reg chucked me the keys and told me to go get comfortable, so off I trotted to the ridiculously big artic . I completed my full walk around checks while I was waiting for Robin, I noticed the air suspension on the trailer unit was not quite right. As soon as Robin got to the truck I let him know, by now it was already 10.40am
Robin agreed it was not quite right and went to get some tools, so I sat around in the cab just patiently waiting why they adjusted the suspension. By the time they was done it was just after 11am, I was ready to get in and drive by now, Ollie did explain I wouldn’t lose time and I would have half hour extra during the week. That made it ok but I was still eager to just get on the road and drive, Robin explained he was going to do a demo drive first so I knew the standard to which I had to drive to. We left the training centre and was finally on our way, as Robin drove we caught up and talked about what I had been doing and he was delighted to hear I had landed a new job driving class 2 vehicles. Finally after 20 minutes, which felt like hours we made it to a layby which Robin pulled in and said you can drive now but first I must get a breakfast roll. So I got comfortable again and was ready to drive by now its 11.30am and I am itching to drive!
Robin comes over with a roll in hand and explains we are going to drive up and down this road to get a feel of the vehicle ect, personally I think it was just so he could eat his breakfast properly as this road was pretty straight . So off I go, I pull out when its safe to do so, God these things pull off slow compared to the class 2 vehicles. I go up and down the long road twice, there’s a roundabout at either end which I negotiate my way around avoiding hitting any of the kerbs
, by this time Robin has finished his breakfast So we move on. Robin explains I will be driving for around 2 hours now just get to get to know the vehicle and what you can and can not do.
So off I drive following his instructions, I drive perfectly fine no real problems but we have not negotiated any difficult junctions or roundabouts, so there’s definitely time for ■■■■ ups still to be made. We approach a small ish roundabout which I am instructed to turn right at, so this is the real test. I approach the roundabout with my right indicator on and take the whole roundabout, I manage to negotiate the roundabout without hitting anything or anyone, what a bonus! This driving lark with a trailer isn’t as bad as I thought as long as you position correctly you should be fine I keep telling myself. Next off I drive on and negotiate a couple of easier roundabout no real problems really, I am out in the sticks a bit so there is not many obstacles to manoeuvre around if you know what I mean:).
Next off I come to a real hard junction on to a busy road and I am turning right, the road is very thin so I have to position perfectly or my trailer will hit the kerb. So I take it wide and swing out towards the bollard I stop just shy of the junction, believe it or not my trailer is clear of the kerb by a foot or so, I believe this is to do with the fact that robin told me exactly how to position myself correctly . Now to get out of the junction, this is a very fast road so is going to be difficult. Within no time at all a lovely member of the public flashes me out, I pull out taking the whole road and swing it around to take the right hand turn successfully. I didn’t hit any cars or any kerbs, I am very proud at this moment in time, but things can change rather quickly.
We head back towards the training centre now, a few times Robin tells me to ease off because I was going to fast for the situation, thin roads, trees over hanging, parked cars ect. I have just got to get in to my head how big this thing really is! I now understand how long it takes for a lorry to slow down, because to be honest I hardly used my accelerator much at all its all about momentum with an artic. You are carrying a lot of weight on board so just make sure you ease off the accelerator and cover the brakes in plenty of time, If you think class 2 driving is slow, well class 1 is half the speed again! Its very easy for you to let the lorry get carried away with itself down hill so I was covering the brake the majority of the time to prevent this. The annoying thing was the brakes squeaked so every time I covered the brake he new exactly what I was doing, so if I wasn’t covering the brakes he knew and gave me a right telling off lol.
Sorry to keep it short but sweet guys, the main thing is I made it back in one piece and I am alive. Training starts at 7am tomorrow, I need to catch some sleep and will definitely not be consuming any more alcohol for the rest of the week. I keep you updated throughout the week day by day, so please read through and let me know what you think guys.
And yes I now have the artic driving bug! I want more and more, I think I am going to really struggle driving class 2 vehicles now when I have drove an artic! I know what I am going to be dreaming about tonight guys don’t you?