Class 1 test on tuesday

hi guy’s
i know i said i would not let you know when i get me 2nd test in but i feel like i should let you all know. Tuesday 2.30 17th may.

I had a lesson today which lasted for 3 hours and to be honest i spent much of that in reversing as that is what i failed on with the first test.
I still could not get the hang of the reversing today until this new guy i have who is training me said to me STOP. he got on the step of the unit and asked me where the cone was in relation to the trailer that i could see in me n/s mirror, this is the cone that has a striped stick in it which you have to pass on the off side. i said to this guy that it was just at the end of the trailer he said right when you see it there turn the wheel in the other direction and the trailer will turn the way you want it to go. Hope you are understanding this?. Any way it went straight in the bob beautifull.I did this the same way for around 45 minutes each time as soon as i saw the pole meet the end of the trailer i turn the wheel and bingo in the box. I said to this guy i cant thank you enough for that tip as it was wat i needed to let me know when i could turn the trailer . If you dont understand it dont matter cos i do and that is all that matters right? I did use a shunt but thayt was just to perfect the situ.I just hope i get the same examiner
on me test as i felt comfy with him but who knows .
this retest has cost me £280 well £200 not including the test and i also get to drive to the test centre an hour before. Please all of you pray for me on tuesday
at 2.30 no matter wat you are doing thing of VIG thats right VIG VIG VIG. lol
Oh before i go the ns mirror on the lorry is cracked right across the width it does not hinder the view at all but is it legal to drive a hgv with a cracked mirror? I dont want the examineer to cancel the test on the day if it is, i will ask the traineer to replace it b4 tuesday.
allthe best guys and dolls

Good luck with the test. Sounds like you had a decent lesson at last! I’d try and make sure that mirror is changed, as I recall you have to sign at the test centre to say the vehicle is legal and roadworthy which it clearly isn’t. Having said that I’m not 100% sure as to the rules regarding test cancellations.

As dave Allan use to say “May your god go with you.”
All the very best.

Good luck, vigfanbke.

Good luck.

Hi vigfanbke,first off thepost you put in reference you days training says
more than anything else as ,you wrote your instructor was another who took the time to explain to you how to carry out the task ina way that you personnely found easy to understand and put into operation also from the post this has improved your skills and confindence no end so, my friend
you approach the test in a better andclamer mind,all the best and also
do not forget the DRIVEING -INSTRUCTOR who gave you the boost.


Good luck m8,we want the pass certificate up here Tuesday evening.You know now that you can do it.Good luck once again :wink:

Good luck, try and relax and it will be fine :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Good luck and I am sure you will do well :wink:

Good luck with the test vigfanbke :smiley:

My mate has his class C @ 8:15 am on the 18th… so lets hope theres 2 bits of good news!

Good luck, although I’m sure you’ll do it :slight_smile:

good luck m8y… hope you FLY it… :smiley:

My mate has his class C @ 8:15 am on the 18th… so lets hope theres 2 bits of good news!

Good luck, although I’m sure you’ll do it :slight_smile:

Lets make it 3 cos I have my class 1 retest at 2.30 on the 18th as well

Good luck to all of you with your test this week.
regards derek

Good Luck Vigfanbke and Semtex.

As with all tests/re-tests just try and relax and enjoy the drive.

Good luck m8,will have fingers crossed for you on tuesday afternoon

Be cool :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Best of luck to you all, and Vig, make sure that mirror is fixed before you get to the test centre

Good Luck to all taking their test. i sincerly hope you all pass.

Good Luck! :laughing:
Remember…you are allowed to give it a good ol’ shunt to get it in the box…dont attempt to tyr & get it in in 1 shunt ( far too much emphasis is based on trying to reverse in as few shunts as possible) go as far forward as you can, so that you are straight, then just reverse him back nice & slow!

far too much emphasis is based on trying to reverse in as few shunts as possible

…'cos you’re only allowed three and you have to be making progress with every shunt you use.

You’re right in what you say, if you are going to use a shunt - make it a good one!!

Well, it’s Tuesday evening here; how did you do vig■■?