Clampers Strike Again!

all the motorway services I have seen have signs, but if they haven’t then I suppose that leaves a get out…

So what if the driver is dyslexic?

I feel a get-out clause coming on…

And also how legal is a sign as regard making a contract? Surely you have to agree to a contract by signing something.

If not, there is nothing in law to stop me from putting a sign up at my house saying that by entering my property, you have just have accepted a contract to give me £1000 and claim my weekly five grand from the post office for delivering my mail and coming onto my land. That is the contract terms they are using.

sounds like we need to get together at a services and give it a try…I got the tyre van with grinder and cutters and lock pics in the back of it…
Need to make up a few signs to put in the cab first…

Hand Fasting uses a dagger which is the Pagan equivalent of getting married.

last year we had an agency driver on over the busy period who culdn’t read or write, don’t know how he manged with written insrtuctions that our company loves.

If not, there is nothing in law to stop me from putting a sign up at my house saying that by entering my property, you have just have accepted a contract to give me £1000 and claim my weekly five grand from the post office for delivering my mail and coming onto my land. That is the contract terms they are using.

well at least the postman wouldn’t bring you any bills!

And also how legal is a sign as regard making a contract? Surely you have to agree to a contract by signing something.

In a previous life I used to be a data protection office for a large national, private, company ( :cry: )
A large portion of my job was working out the regulations on what we could and could not do with regards to security.

This meant a lot of talking to the office of the Data commissioner.

You CAN agree to a contract just by there being signs in the vicinity, as long as:

  • The Signs are A4 size or larger if situated less than 2m from the ground
  • The Signs are A3 size or larger if situated between 2m and 4m from the ground
  • The Signs are lit at night
  • The sign must contain the name of the company providing the service and a 24hr contact number for them in case you have any queries.

Now this was for CCTV cameras in the company car park, not sure how it relates to Clamping.

I once got asked to investigate if we could clamp our own staff’s cars, should they not be displaying their parking permit.

You can clamp if there is a sign saying clamping is in operation then information about what constitutes a clamping offence BUT, if I remember correctly, you can only charge what is a reasonable amount to cover your costs for providing the service, so one clamper’s wage for the time it takes him to fit and remove the clamp.

UNLESS, you can prove that the area clamping is in operation is required for the safety of the site…so of course the company I worked for immediately re-designated the staff car park as a secondary fire assembly area and charged £10 for clamp removal to their own staff.

So the only useful get out clauses without some lateral thinking are:

  1. If it was in the hours of darkness, were the signs lit?
  2. If the area isn’t a designated fire assembly point, or along a vital access route, then are they charging more than it costs to provide the service?

Is there a phone number you can ring with pointless queries to really annoy the beggars?

I haven’t been in that job for a year or so now, so some of the above might be redundant, but, on the other hand, it might be useful!



But that was on private ground. the people would have known they were in an area that someone else owns. These clampers are operating on roads that the general public are not told is a private place and there is no indication about it normally.

If it is a private road. you would normally expect to go through a gate-houde first.

Take Magna park for example. You just turn of the main drag into it, yet it is not classed as the queens highway.

Guess were my nipper will get her first driving lesson then… :laughing:

Just to add about making a contract with clampers. Ive read theres case law i.e its gone to court and someone used this as a defence and won that if you dont read the signs theres no contract and they cant clamp or ticket you, no matter how good the signage is. If they do clamp you you can ask for the money back as no contract has been made. Its a confusing area and success at court largely depends on how expensive your solicitor is I think!

I was at Lymm today, no sign of the clampers, maybe theyre on holiday? Anyway, the coach park was FULL of HGVs. Once one parked up more followed meaning coaches had nowhere to park up and passengers had to walk inbetween lorries with obvious safety issues. Maybe at Lymm clampers are a neccesity?

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news here, but people only get clamped at Lymm because they are either too stupid or too idle to read the huge great signs designating the Coach Area as a clamping zone. I went in there for the first time in ages the other week and honestly couldn’t work out what the problem was. There are big yellow signs everywhere FFS!

It’s just the usual story of a few numpties ruining it for everyone else, but then that’s the transport industry all over these days. :unamused:

Please excuse my ignorance, but why dont you just cut the clamps off and go about your business - surely its just the clampers word against yours that they clamped you in the first place. As sure as eggs are eggs Id remove the clamp and be damned with them, I do however drive a Spanish motor for a Spanish firm though.

why not carry your own clamp ,soon as you stop put it on .when clampers arrive they will think it has already been done

Please excuse my ignorance, but why dont you just cut the clamps off and go about your business…
… I do however drive a Spanish motor for a Spanish firm though.

Most of us dont drive a Spanish reg truck, thats why we dont cut them off :open_mouth:

I’m with Hombre, cut the clamp off.

If there’s any comeback you just say

“clamp■■? what clamp■■? You put a clamp on my truck you say. These piky’s will nick anything these days!!” :smiley: :wink:

There must be a finite number of clamps… could we not organise a fleet of old sheds (I’m thinking old Citroen AXs and the like) - roadworthy, TPO insured… park them in illegal places that ain’t in the way, then leave them clamped?