Clampers Strike Again!

Now our Boss isn’t the ‘politest’ of men when riled … in fact he can be ■■■■ right insulting (I have heard him call a woman from DAFAid who upset him a ‘■■■■■ bucket’)

How to win friends and influence people :stuck_out_tongue:

My point?? I did wonder if the trucks there get purposely targeted with the assistance of the Security guys as 80% of their deliveries come in from abroad with foreign trucks. I wondered how a foreign truck would have dealt with this?

I think that is right. Why else would NYK megacrap make foreigners park on the street in Northampton when they are loaded with computers, TV’s and HiFi equipment. The booking system is crap too and gives you a 15 minute window to arrive in, even from abroad

Well that’s the sickly sucking up letter written to them to ask for my money back :exclamation: :exclamation:
If that doesn’t work we’ll try the “no more Mr. Nice Guy” approach :angry: :angry: :angry:
Watch this space :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

You should just get a locksmith to remove the clamp and end up paying only his £50 or so charge…

As far as I am aware so long as the clamp is not damaged you are doing nothing wrong by removing it your self so long as it is not a government agency applying it.

Also some you can remove with a pen if they are the cyclinder lock type…

I certianly would not pay £200 to have a clamp taken off… If I couoldnt pick the lock then Id sooner drill out its lock and then pay for its repair…

You could of course, just unlock the clamp, no damage done :open_mouth: not that I would consider or advise such a thing :wink:

You could just post the clampers mobile phone number
the clampers office phone number
and their e-mail address so we can ring them at all hours and we can politely give them lots of our thoughts on their chosen career path and all request invites to there parents weddings.

If you are going to write to them then please help them read you letter by using unjoined up writing in bright coloured crayon and a few pictures might help.

Is it true they cant clamp livestock trucks or trucks carrying hazardous materials, i.e a petrol tanker?

I doubt these idiots would refrain from clamping anything. We really do need to fight back and I mean FIGHT. The law allows them to do whatever they want. It’s our turn!

if you get clamped ask to see their sia badge as now they have to be regulated and half of them are not if he isnt ring the police stating vehicle has been immobilised illegally so try that and if you dont get any joy ask them how long it will be before it is towed away and if he is staying with the immobilised vehicle as this will worry him whether you are going to trash the clamp at this point walk away and he may take it off whilst you are gone rather than losing a clamp or do what my sister in law did and smacked the ■■■■ !! funnily he never went to the police he was probably too embarrased

Is there no way we can get them back?

I mean, if we all stuck up A4 posters in our window when we parked up, something along the lines of

“Any individual, or company, found to have interfered with the operation of this vehicle will be fined £30,000”
There any way we can get grounds for that being legal?!

Yeah matt f is right they have to carry this card, otherwise they are illegal:

If they can’t show you it call the police.

Yeah matt f is right they have to carry this card, otherwise they are illegal:

Look at how happy that one is on his photo ID.

Don’t you just want to hit him :laughing:

probably if you re-worded to something like" anyone illegally interfering with this vehicle will be challenged thorugh the courts to recover any and all expenses or lost profits from missed business" , it may have some effect.
but don’t forget that these scroats cannot read well, so do it in block capitals and large lettering, with pictures if possible.

Is there a clamper out there who would like to comment on their viewpoint?

Incidentally Scarab, where does the user name come from, anything to do with scamell scarabs?

Is there no way we can get them back?
I mean, if we all stuck up A4 posters in our window when we parked up, something along the lines of

“Any individual, or company, found to have interfered with the operation of this vehicle will be fined £30,000”
There any way we can get grounds for that being legal?!

Stanley knife across the wind-pipe gets my vote!


Is there no way we can get them back?
I mean, if we all stuck up A4 posters in our window when we parked up, something along the lines of

“Any individual, or company, found to have interfered with the operation of this vehicle will be fined £30,000”
There any way we can get grounds for that being legal?!

Stanley knife across the wind-pipe gets my vote!

What have I done■■? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


Incidentally Scarab, where does the user name come from, anything to do with scamell scarabs?

Actually there is some history of Scammell Scarab’s in the family, but it doesn’t have anything to do with my username, in fact I’d never even thought of it like that!.

It was a nickname I was given years ago by a mentor, because I’m short and innocent looking but with quite a bite if provoked… apparently!


but with quite a bite if provoked… apparently!

Memo to self… always be polite to this member :laughing:

Apparently its all to do with contracts. By entering a lorry park and parking up you have accepted the terms of the contract thats written on the signs dotted about the place, i.e free for 2 hours £15 overnight and you get clamped for parking in the wrong areas and they can charge a release fee e.t.c

I guess if you had a sign in the cab window saying that if they clamp the truck they agree to the terms of your contract it would be legally binding, i.e if they dare to clamp you the clamp will be forcably removed and disposed of + they will have to buy you a full english breakfast every morning forever :slight_smile:

To be honest I assumed that most of the posts were about getting clamped on industrial estates or similar, anyway thats what i was referring to in my posts.
On a mway services you of course agree to their terms when parking up.

Yes but no matter where clampers operate there still need to be signs for people to read and make a “contract”