Clamp down on lanehogs


I managed about 8 miles in lane 2 about 2 months ago, left Trafford Park heading for Leeds just as the rush hour started, out into lane 2 to over take, and passed all the Sunday drivers in lane 1, got back into lane 1 at the last junction before windy hill, there was no big gaps for me to pull back into, would that be classed as lane hogging?

No, that’s called overtaking :slight_smile:

Thats ok then.



What ■■■■■■ me off most is the Numpty’s on an empty motorway, sitting in the middle lane at 54.5 mph.
You see 'em 2 miles in the distance & slowly reel them in, then just as you are undertaking them, they put their foot down to 56 mph for a couple of minutes ! Then the game starts again ! Grrrrrrrr !

When I’m on the Bandit, I go across from lane 1 to lane 3 then all the way back into lane 1, just to prove a point. Funny as F(zb) when there’s 20 of us on bikes & we overtake/undertake @ ‘70’ mph. (Don’t half wake 'em up !)

I see 4x4 drivers on some kind of “fuel economy drive” by sitting there doing just under your limiter speed… If you are going fast enough to pull out into the middle lane, they’ll 'kin accererate by 2mph so you’re high and dry and have to drop back in behind, when they’ll slow up again.
:imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:
Never mind road hogs. I’d ticket every bugger driving a 4x4 anywhere except the country which is supposed to be where they’re designed for. :angry:


I wasn’t suggesting a 4x4 isn’t fast - they are just driven slow by idiots trying to save fuel or deliberately be a pain in the arse on the motorway.

Wassallthat “When I’m on the bandit” about? Are you on the tapatype whist trying to nudge in a score? :open_mouth: :confused: :smiley:

On Jeremy Vine today one of the people who phoned in said that he had travelled with a young women who travelled from Leicester to Glasgow at 60mph and never once left the middle lane ! when he pointed out the error of her ways she said that she would continue doing this because she felt safe.

Yeah, I listened to that.

Vine seemed to be siding with the morons, the [zb] that he is. I think he used the phrase “menacing truckers” during that show. I long for the day that someone sets him on fire.

I used to concern myself with “middle lane hoggers”. I would try to point out the error of their ways.

Nowadays, I just carry on regardless, undertake them and throw bits of old sandwiches, ■■■ ends and other flotsam and jetsam at them as I pass.

Life is much better for me now. :sunglasses:

tango boy:
‘…How will it be policed…?’

It won’t be ‘policed’, because the nation chooses not to prioritise the promotion of social manners - but what happens might be monitored (or glanced at?) some sap on a flat screen in a far off place, especially after some oaf creates a fatal smash

Happy Keith:

tango boy:
‘…How will it be policed…?’

It won’t be ‘policed’, because the nation chooses not to prioritise the promotion of social manners - but what happens might be monitored (or glanced at?) some sap on a flat screen in a far off place, especially after some oaf creates a fatal smash

Plus said sap’s word will carry a lot of weight because he will have done a course on it, for anything up to a week and is now an expert.


I see 4x4 drivers on some kind of “fuel economy drive” by sitting there doing just under your limiter speed… If you are going fast enough to pull out into the middle lane, they’ll 'kin accererate by 2mph so you’re high and dry and have to drop back in behind, when they’ll slow up again.
:imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:
Never mind road hogs. I’d ticket every bugger driving a 4x4 anywhere except the country which is supposed to be where they’re designed for. :angry:

This is a country , so get back in your box and leave a minority group out of it … :imp:
Given that the legal speed limit on motorways for wagons is still 60 mph ,
Is it Not YOU , that is holding up the traffic and creating congestion -& tailgating by restricting your diesel pumping wagon to 50 -52 - 54 - 55 - 56 (delete/select as appropriate)… :smiling_imp:
Just a thought :unamused: from the other side of the coin, :grimacing:
You put yourself “high and dry” by not reading the road ahead and by driving restriction enhanced traffic cloggers.

:arrow: sits back and awaits the incoming flack :grimacing:

  • olde skool -


im pretty sure there will be common sense used on the part of whoever is issuing the ticket, and trucks overtaking is never going to be a quick manoeuvre

thing is how many trucks actually sit in lane 2 for mile after mile. i was travelling down the M6 a few weeks ago and the info signs all said dont hog the middle lane and the only ppl that were ignoring it were fat old birds in 4x4s, it must be something about expensive cars that makes ppl think they can do what they like

I managed about 8 miles in lane 2 about 2 months ago, left Trafford Park heading for Leeds just as the rush hour started, out into lane 2 to over take, and passed all the Sunday drivers in lane 1, got back into lane 1 at the last junction before windy hill, there was no big gaps for me to pull back into, would that be classed as lane hogging?

well no because as you said there were no big gaps for you to pull into. its the ppl that pull onto the motorway move straight to lane 2 and stay there regardless of if there overtaking ppl or not


Happy Keith:

tango boy:
‘…How will it be policed…?’

‘…It won’t be ‘policed’, etc…’

‘…Plus said sap’s word will carry a lot of weight because he will have done a course on it, for anything up to a week and is now an expert…’
