Checking DCPC training records

I have a problem hope one of you can help, I have been on DSA’s web site and tried to register but can’t get past the stupid type security things, it just say’s i have typed incorrectly. I have tried allsorts to get round this ie case sensetive putting the gaps in even tried no gaps nothing works HELP. Thank’s in advance Malc.

The captcha security on that site is crap, you have to refresh it a few times to get words that are readable :unamused:

Having said that I’ve just logged in without any problems after refreshing the captcha words a couple of times to get one I could read :confused:

It is case sensitive and you need the space between the two words.

Have you got the link please

Have you got the link please

Online Driver Certificate of Professional Competence training record

If I remember correctly you have to register then they send you a password through the post.

Using this site you can also set-up a password that will allow your employer to check your DCPC training, apparently this password only lets the employer see the training record and nothing else.

I have had the same trouble, tried dozens of times, got a new password and tried dozens more it just does not let me on. emailed DSA and no reply. :angry:

Hi Malc, welcome aboard.

I registered on there before to see what the trouble was you’re having, and first it said I’d entered the wrong captcha (pieces of crap they are :imp: ), second time it said I’m already registered and the password is on its way in the snail mail.


Have you got the link please

Online Driver Certificate of Professional Competence training record

If I remember correctly you have to register then they send you a password through the post.

Using this site you can also set-up a password that will allow your employer to check your DCPC training, apparently this password only lets the employer see the training record and nothing else.


i’ve just tried this and a pink box comes up at the top of the screen saying that i do not have any training records to display. I thought this process was just to register for a password to log in and view training records… :question: :unamused:

i’ve just tried this and a pink box comes up at the top of the screen saying that i do not have any training records to display. I thought this process was just to register for a password to log in and view training records… :question: :unamused:

Perhaps they figure there’s no point letting people register if there’s no records to check :bulb:


i’ve just tried this and a pink box comes up at the top of the screen saying that i do not have any training records to display. I thought this process was just to register for a password to log in and view training records… :question: :unamused:

Perhaps they figure there’s no point letting people register if there’s no records to check :bulb:

that’s handy then… it would appear i’ve wasted two saturdays doing in house training if it hasn’t even been registered… :confused:



i’ve just tried this and a pink box comes up at the top of the screen saying that i do not have any training records to display. I thought this process was just to register for a password to log in and view training records… :question: :unamused:

Perhaps they figure there’s no point letting people register if there’s no records to check :bulb:

that’s handy then… it would appear i’ve wasted two saturdays doing in house training if it hasn’t even been registered… :confused:

Well to fair mate you didn’t say you’d done any training :wink:

As it’s in-house training I would suggest you ask the trainer if the training information has been uploaded, if you can’t get hold of the trainer ask your manager if he/she can find out for you.

I don’t know how long it takes for the information to appear on the database but I would have thought a week was long enough, having said that we are talking about JAUPT so … :unamused:

to be fair, i probably wouldn’t have wasted my time trying to look at training i hadn’t taken.

i’ll ask the gaffer tomorrow.


I don’t know how long it takes for the information to appear on the database but I would have thought a week was long enough, having said that we are talking about JAUPT so … :unamused:

It should be a live system. The training centre has 5 days in which to upload and training should appear on the DCPC Hours check website just about as soon as they have uploaded it.

And … the site is ‘run’ by the DSA - not JAUPT (luckily)

Thank’s for your reply’s thank’s still no joy just got a password off DSA but still can’t get passed that stupid security word still say’s i have put it in wrong after hundreds of attempts i am losing the will to live. :slight_smile:

I have had the same trouble, tried dozens of times, got a new password and tried dozens more it just does not let me on. emailed DSA and no reply. :angry:

Same here, have entered details and password correctly, and the capchas but it doesn’t recognise my details.

Sounds like it had the same programmer as the digi tachs?

I just phoned the DSA helpline, they are aware of the problem, which they confirm is at their end.

I had an official JAUPT audit of my training establishment today. At the end they asked if I had any issues or complaints to pass back to JAUPT. Guy didn’t have enough paper to list all my points but this logging in issue was one of them.