Cheapest periodic DCPC nr Manchester

My card runs out in 10days and I’m not sure if I should renew it. Quick history is that I’ve been driving class 1 since 1985( still have my little brownish book that you had to write hours down which was well before the paper tacho). Leap forward and I’m now retired and still have a EU driving license with my class 1 still valid. On occasion I go back to the UK and do some though not much agency work. Due to my EU license it’s getting harder to find work, no a problem my DCPC is English. So do I or don’t I renew it hence the question of cost.

Leave it until the end of September/early October then renew it, it doesn’t matter if it lapses you just can’t drive commercially until you renew it. The prices will have dropped then as everyone who got theirs under grandfather rights all run out on the same date at the start of September.

I don’t know the answer, but I would be checking of the validity of a UK DCPC with an EU licence?
Pre-Brexit you could mix’n’match, but I don’t know the rules now.

My inquiries to date say if the last course is took in the UK then it can be classed as a UK DCPC and uploaded to an EU license (french in my case). This is from the current DVLA website. I’ve had a UK DCPC on my french licence for the last 10 years also ADR from the UK with the same license. Looking at the moment if I should get one last DCPC, all depends on the cost. Average price seems to be around £50 and of course 5days in a classroom :woozy_face:

Enterprise cost me £35 that’s was a few months ago when I completed mine so price might of changed
so that’s £175

As it’s online doesn’t matter where there based as all done at your home or place of work.

All I can see on the is pre-Brexit stuff and that mentions converting your UK CPC to an EU one ASAP.
Quite possibly there is more there, but I haven’t found it.
This all I could find and that has been marked “Withdrawn”
[Withdrawn] Drive in the EU after Brexit: lorry and goods vehicle drivers - GOV.UK.
That doc says to refer to International road haulage: HGV driver documents - GOV.UK
Which says “Your UK Driver CPC card may no longer be recognised in EU countries.
Check with the relevant organisation in the country where you live and work to find out what you need to do.”
But if you are only working in the UK? Maybe there are no issues?

I would be really interested to see anything newer you can link to. A mate is about to do his first FCO next week. Lots more expensive than the UK CPC but his boss is paying.

My license is french so no problem getting another French “CPC” FCOS as was, the first one was in 2003 and the second 2008. After that did an ADR course and a couple other days in 2013 and a CPC 2018 both in the UK while still on my french licence. That’s the problem I I’m retired here and don’t plan on driving anymore. Totally had enough driving for a living and only intending to do the odd few days/weeks in UK on the agency when back over visiting. It makes very little difference to me if I ever drive a truck again so it’s all about the cost if it’s worth it or not.

That was the point of my question. Pre Brexit, 2018 in your case, you could do a UK DCPC on a French licence as you did. The last advice I can find is pre 2020 and advising to get the qualification transferred ASAP.
If you don’t intend driving in the EU, then it won’t be a problem to have a valid Fr licence and a valid UK DCPC, I expect. Only an issue possibly if you want to transfer the UK DCPC across.

Check with a reliable trainer, but I expect you will be OK for UK only work.
Good luck.

If I do at least the last course in the UK than I can upload it with the other 4 cours and have a UK CPC. That bit as been cleared up. Not looked up in to doing it the other way round i.e. last course in France etc.