Chat room problem

A while ago I went to log into the chat room and got some kind of warning message about logging in but can’t remember what it was. I remember a pop-up box asking if I wanted to be reminded again and I chose ‘no’.

Even since then when I try to log in I get an error message :

“Connection failed! Maybe your network can’t access the server, or the server is under maintenance, please try again later!”

This is obviously [zb] as there are at least 4 people in right now. I’ve looked at the 123 Flash Chat FAQ but it isn’t telling me anything useful. I can’t find how to get the message back up again as I chose not to be reminded again about it :frowning: . Can the mods sort it out for me please. Ta.

I vaguely remember a pop-up box appearing. It had a no entry sign on one side at the bottom and a green tick on the other side at the bottom. something to do with the TruckNet UK chat room written above that but cant remember what it was about. The writing and tick boxes, in fact the whole thing was very small, is that the box Rob?

Have you had a look at the bravenet site? I think they own the chat room software and its possibly something you set the wrong way on their servers, not too sure about any of this as you can see.
I know I cant do anything about it from my computer, so I doubt any of the other mods can. Possibly Rikki, Lucy or Coffee can from the site admin side, but I think its something you have sent to bravenet or your own browser/firewall.

My browser frequently asks me about allowing DLLs to be changed, for updates to install etc, and when I click on something which needs an applet to work, like a chat room for eg. If I click the no button, I never see that applet again. If that was the wrong button, I have to go into my browser settings or logs and change the setting back to where it should be. Similar story with my firewall if I tell it to block something I should have told it to allow… Any chance it was one of those pop up boxes■■?

I’m just putting ideas up as they come to me mate, far to late to be doing this sort of thing for me really.

Have a look and let us know how you do. The computer software forum would probably be the best place to get more info if its none of my suggestions. There are several ex-IT people who give good advise in there as they are much more 'puter literate than me…

Not a great deal we can do I’m afraid Rob, as the software was bought as a plug-in package…will pass the query on to the US techie guys just in case though…:grimacing:

It was probably the Macromedia Flash player options. It will warn you about TruckNet running an insecure operation and ask if you want to run it or not then it gives you an option to tick a box so you are not reminded again. Try right clicking on the popup error message and alter the settings from there. Flash player needs permission to use certain hardware and if it doesn’t have it you get the error message you are seeing.Unfortunatly the problem is at your end and TruckNet cannot fix it from their end.

It was probably the Macromedia Flash player options. It will warn you about TruckNet running an insecure operation and ask if you want to run it or not then it gives you an option to tick a box so you are not reminded again. Try right clicking on the popup error message and alter the settings from there. Flash player needs permission to use certain hardware and if it doesn’t have it you get the error message you are seeing.Unfortunatly the problem is at your end and TruckNet cannot fix it from their end.

Ah thanks Hollywood :slight_smile: . It wouldn’t let me right click on the box, but when I clicked away from the screen it gave me a “settings” option. From there you click on “advanced” and it takes you to their homepage. There’s a section on there about “my settings” and you go and click the icon with the padlock on it. It was showing as “always deny” so I just changed it to “always ask” and closed the window and now the chat room works :slight_smile: .