Chat room issue

It will not stay scrolled back, even by holding the slider with the cursor. As soon as someone posts it returns to the bottom. So when it’s busy, like tonight , about 15 of us in i think, posts are easily missed, especially if someone privates you, its impossible to go back and read them.

Surely it would be easy to fix so that the main screen will remain scrolled up, or at least held by the cursor?

do you have the names at the side of each post or at the top as the screen holds more post if they are at the side

think they’re at the side, but i use other chat rooms from time to time where it so easy just to scroll up and check something you missed.

It’s because when we got the software for the chatroom, I had to pay for it myself, as TN didn’t have the money. Being a Yorkshirewoman, I’m tight, therefore it was cheap and crap. :blush:

Will hopefully be upgrading soon. The new software is being bought by Southerners and will therefore have delusions of grandeur. :wink:

It’s because when we got the software for the chatroom, I had to pay for it myself, as TN didn’t have the money. Being a Yorkshirewoman, I’m tight, therefore it was cheap and crap. :blush:

At least we have a chatroom Lucy :smiley: , better than not having one :wink:

Thanks for the explaination Lucy. Good news that it may soon improve.

Love your Series LandRover signature, I’ve had many of those & worked on many more. I have 2 series 2’s now.

It’s a bit long winded, but you can get a history of everything said in the chat room since you logged on.

In the chat window go to :-
Options > Save message history > View.

Also, you can move a private chat window, and leave the main chat window clear of obstruction. Do it in the same way you move any small window.

yes Simon, thanks, but the point is, most chat chatrooms will stay in the scrolled back position… so handy to check something you missed. Lucy explained why it won’t, but hopefully it may soon :laughing:

Lucy explained why it won’t, but hopefully it may soon :laughing:

Yes, she’s as tight fisted as a Jock, if not more so :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: