Chat GPT

I asked Chat GPT to roast Trucknet UK for a bit of fun. How far off the mark is it? :grinning:


Alright, let’s have a little fun with this roast of Trucknet UK!

"Trucknet UK? More like Truck-not UK. A place where the engine’s always running, but the brains are stuck in neutral. It’s like a truck stop for keyboard warriors who think their opinion weighs more than an 18-wheeler, but could never figure out how to reverse park without a meltdown.

Oh, and the forums? They’re basically a digital junkyard where every thread has more potholes than a British motorway. Half the users argue over who’s got the best truck like it’s a personality contest – spoiler alert: it’s not. The whole site runs like a knackered old rig that should have been scrapped a decade ago, but somehow keeps rolling, even though everyone’s just there to moan about fuel prices and tachograph compliance like it’s the latest Netflix drama.

It’s a wonder anyone gets anywhere with all the circular arguments. Trucknet UK is like trying to have a conversation at a truck stop where everyone’s had one too many cups of diesel-flavored coffee – lots of noise, but nobody’s actually saying anything that makes sense."


Typical, chat only read Carryfast’s posts. :rofl:

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I refuse to believe that AI is that good! :grinning:


LOL It came up with that almost instantaneously.

Forgive me then. I thought you were writing that and laying it off as AI for a joke.

I haven’t played with Chat GPT at all.
(insert joke about being too busy dealing with other forms of intelligence etc etc)

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It’s fun, You ask it anything & it comes up with whatever you asked it in the blink of an eye.
There are a few automakers that have it installed in their cars, VW, DS, Citroën off the top of my head.

It’s being widely used by many (lazy) companies to write descriptions and reviews of products and services. As if we weren’t already drowning in advertising BS, we now have machine-generated BS :roll_eyes:

On the plus side, at least AI BS has correct grammar and spellings.

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But AI generated narration on YouTube and GPSes, etc dont have correct pronunciation.
Eye pswich.
War aye go for Warrego (wor igo).
The list goes on.

I read that OpenAI has been transcribing over a million YT videos & counting to gather data learning for it’s latest language model. Most YT content providers are unaware of this.

English is a particularly difficult language apparently, because it has roots in many directions, and spellings do not follow any logic.
Italian is pretty much said as it is written, I think.

Even native speakers of English have trouble with some words.

rough bough…Edinburgh borough…let alone Leominister…and I had a long conversation about a French restaurant owner about Worcestershire Sauce, but I failed totally to offer any sense to him,(open goal there!)

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You should hear the Yank say it! :rofl: More syllables than antidisestablishmentatarianism.
In my house, we just call it whoosh.

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I wouldn’t know, my sat nav is always set to silent, and I only use Youtube for music, so narration not required.

Ah! So you’ve been to Newcastle I see? :joy:


Mind, have you heard the average UK person trying to pronounce Poughkeepsie or even Arkansas?

AI now being used to recognise individual BEV’s arriving at chargers, you plug in & it automatically charges to your account instead of using RFID cards, smartphone Apps or tap & go.
You arrive at the charger & AI recognises your car from any angle & does the rest… Excellent, said in a Mr Burns voice.