Chasing Agencies

I’m fairly new to the agency game…but find it annoying that if you don’t chase them, I never seem to get offered much work!! This is happening at only 1 agency(based in Skem), so is it me or do any others here find agencies the same?


Can understand what your saying but if by ringing them every week your name is fresh in there mind and it means you get regular/some work it cant be too much of a problem surely?? :confused:

Its probably something to do with the abundance of lorry drivers in the country they can pick and choose who they like or dont like, its not a drivers market any more its a “pay the lowest employers market now”.

i know its a pain but if your a new driver and new with the agency you will need to be pro active in getting work

have a time in your mind that you wait til and then ring them
just say who you are and if they get something by ■■ hrs your available if not
your doing the car or whatever til tommorrow

things are very fluid with start times

i know agencys have their favorite drivers
they one i’m with certinly do
one i used to be with the booker had a rollerdeck with drivers cards in if you were good ( turned up on time , did a good job , did all the paperwork and the boss’s of the agency pet thing were clean ) you were at the front
i used to pop in on the way home from normal job ( non driving ) to see them on a weds to see if there was anything going for the weekend .
some of the stories the boss told me of drivers coming in for interviews or on their way to jobs would make your hair curl
the even had to throw a chair away coz a bloke who came in looking for work left black grease on it
i suppose i’m lucky in that i have a nearly full time job driving and only do the odd shift ( about three a month to keep the wolf from the door coz i get paid monthly )
i normaly work for about 4 different firms
one of which knows my shift pattern at work (4 on 4 off ) and try to shift thing around so they can use me
i have found you cant be to helpful when going to a new place
got a call about three months ago to get to **** soon as the driver the agency had sent orginaly had walked off site coz the first job was to take a 17 tonner about two miles up the road to a rdc ( where they tip you )
that client has all sort of vehicles from a little fiesta van up to artics
and in one shift with them i drove a spriner , 7.5 tonner , 17 tonner, the fester and then an artic

at the end of the day it all pays the bills

i know agencys have their favorite drivers
the one i’m with certinly do one i used to be with the booker had a rollerdeck with drivers cards in if you were good ( turned up on time , did a good job , did all the paperwork and the boss’s of the agency pet thing were clean ) you were at the front

Got to agree with bagpuss on that 1. I seem to keep getting called back to do the bins for knowsley council…was there again Friday & they phone the agency asking for me by name.
i am only with 1 agency since June & I work 4 days on 4 days off on my fulltime job & the agency call me at least once a week to find out when i will be available & 9 times out of 10 they will have work for me when iam on rest days from my fulltime job.