Changing truck midshift

Hi guys

Last night did first drop in one truck then had to change to another veh when back to yard , had been driving 3 an a bit hrs so pulled card and did a print out then put card in second truck checked it out etc then had a 15 min break drove until needed the 30 mins break and continued my shift for next 4 1/2 drive time
When put card in second truck just pressed ok no manual entries as was worried would ■■■■ em up just wondered what I write on the printouts that I took reason I ask is that when in second truck came up with an overlap warning just pressed ok and took printout at end of shift ?

Jennie x

No need to take printouts so nothing to write. I wouldn’t worry about the overlap as it will be obvious from the data what happened.

Thanks for that coffeeholic just wanted to make sure that what I did was okay overlap warning worried me I`ll hand printouts to employer as per cheers

jennie x

The overlap warning just means the clock was different in the two trucks, truck two was a little behind truck one, so it tried to write data to the card for a time when data had already been written. Best thing to do is leave a couple of minutes between removing the card from one truck and inserting it in the next, as well as checking the time on the two units. You can then make a manual entry to explain the gap when you insert the card into the second truck, that way you will avoid an overlap warning.

Thanks will do :smiley:
Jennie x