Changing Pre-Mod

Any way the way Pre-Mod works can be changed?
It’s getting fustrating now missing posts from members who are on pre mod or having to keep checking to see for a reply once it’s been approved. The fact the post keeps it’s place in the thread means that when you select ‘read new posts’ you can quite often miss stuff.
I understand why the need for pre mod but wouldn’t it be better to allow the post to be instantly visible but have a report post button. Should anyone think the post is slightly offensive then by pushing the report button it instantly blocks users seeing that post until a moderator can check it.
You could still keep other features such as the PM ban.

That sort of change would require a thorough understanding of PHP and editing the board software itself, unless you were really lucky and found a user-mod that allowed it, i.e. someone’s edited the software before and published the changes to the code to do it.

The current arrangement is just checkboxes in settings (with or without a user-mod applied, I’m more familiar with other software, really don’t know phpBB).

I strongly suspect, however, that the answer to this request is effectively “Can’t be done.”

I understand why the need for pre mod but wouldn’t it be better to allow the post to be instantly visible but have a report post button. Should anyone think the post is slightly offensive then by pushing the report button it instantly blocks users seeing that post until a moderator can check it.

So you want all Trucknet-UK members to have the right to stop a post being seen if the poster is on pre-mod :open_mouth:

I can’t see that happening any-time soon :smiley: :wink:

If someone is on pre-mod I really don’t care if I miss their post. Shouldn’t have got put on pre-mod if they want their ■■■■ read…

The Sarge:
If someone is on pre-mod I really don’t care if I miss their post. Shouldn’t have got put on pre-mod if they want their [zb] read…

Ha ha…Dudley do right! :laughing:

Should anyone think the post is slightly offensive then by pushing the report button it instantly blocks users seeing that post until a moderator can check it.

Thats sort of the way it works now. The Moderators check the post before it can be viewed.


Should anyone think the post is slightly offensive then by pushing the report button it instantly blocks users seeing that post until a moderator can check it.

Thats sort of the way it works now. The Moderators check the post before it can be viewed.

But wouldn’t it be better if the poster was allowed some trust to be returned by allowing the posts to be visible first. If they continue posting offensive material then ban them. By having a report button it can be made invisible as soon as it’s reported for inspection by a mod.
It would just keep the board more fluent during discussion.



Should anyone think the post is slightly offensive then by pushing the report button it instantly blocks users seeing that post until a moderator can check it.

Thats sort of the way it works now. The Moderators check the post before it can be viewed.

But wouldn’t it be better if the poster was allowed some trust to be returned by allowing the posts to be visible first. If they continue posting offensive material then ban them. By having a report button it can be made invisible as soon as it’s reported for inspection by a mod.
It would just keep the board more fluent during discussion.

Pre Mod is already you might say, an automatic report button. You want to decide yourself who’s posts can be viewed until they’re checked by a Moderator so it doesn’t interupt your flow ? So potentially someone elses reading flow will be interuppted by you (or whoever) pressing the report button ? See where you’re going with this ?


The Sarge:
If someone is on pre-mod I really don’t care if I miss their post. Shouldn’t have got put on pre-mod if they want their [zb] read…

Ha ha…Dudley do right! :laughing:

I saw that one :wink: :sunglasses: And it’s MR Do Right, if you don’t mind :stuck_out_tongue: