
We now have some time from the tech guys, and will be moving everything from this forum to a new software package .
This will not happen quickly, moving off the current phpBB software to a non-open source programe is not easy.
BUT, when it happens we will have far more options to offer you, for example the ability to upload photo’s directly to your post

What we would like to hear is what YOU want as a feature in the new setup. I cannot guarentee that everything you suggest will happen, but it will be looked at and see if it is possible…

Have you looked at the new version of phpBB? It’s a lot nicer than phpBB2.

If you want to keep open source then i can thoroughly recommend Simple Machines (SMF).

I run a couple of pretty active forums (here and here) using SMF and it’s been a pleasure to work with.

Although I personaly like phpBB3 a lot (certainly its a huge step up from this platform). restrictions on what we can place on the new servers we will be moving to mean it is extremely doubtful we will be using any sort of open source software.

The most likely platform will be a modified Community server.asp application.
There is an awful lot of work to do though before we are sure that the current phpBB database can integrate fully with the asp. and also that the Community server gives us all the facilities and features you may want.

Why move to Windows servers then (assuming that’s what you mean by the restrictions you mention)?

Community Server does look good though…but very expensive.

Sorry, this is my old career talking - was in IT for 20 years prior to trying to become a professional driver :wink:

The restrictions are more that the owners of the servers we wil be moving to do not allow any open source software on them.

A better chat room would be nice.

A better chat room would be nice.

A chatroom is included in the list to be on the new website, and it cant be the current flash chat one,

Any particular features/changes to the chatroom?

(as I say I cant guarentee any particular feature, buit if we dont ask we dont get :wink: :smiley: )

A bigger, or re-sizeable, chat window. The current one is far too small when the room is busy which leads to constant scrolling.

A bigger, or re-sizeable, chat window. The current one is far too small when the room is busy which leads to constant scrolling.

I have trouble with the limited size of the chat window too Rikki, please add that to the list of features. :smiley:

A bigger, or re-sizeable, chat window. The current one is far too small when the room is busy which leads to constant scrolling.

Agreed x 2.

spell checker mine is atros… crap :laughing: :laughing:


How about some blondes,with big kahunas…

Oh sorry.Wrong site. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


spell checker mine is atros… crap :laughing: :laughing:


I use Firefox with the addd-on dictionary that spell-chex as you type.

I’me not on my own computer just now thoughe . . . . . . . . .

:wink: :wink: :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: @marcustandy


spell checker mine is atros… crap :laughing: :laughing:


I use Firefox with the addd-on dictionary that spell-chex as you type.

I’me not on my own computer just now thoughe . . . . . . . . .

:wink: :wink: :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Have 1 on mine as I type not a problem

When we transfer would I/do I lose all my PMs and stuff? Because if so I probably need to backup them now… somehow… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :open_mouth:

New forum? eh? oh, yeah, er, um, good luck :slight_smile:

The restrictions are more that the owners of the servers we wil be moving to do not allow any open source software on them.

That’s just bizzare - if it were me I’d choose a different host and save yourselves a lot of cash.

It’s a forum, not a banking or military system or something. Half the web runs on open source Apache servers just fine.

When we transfer would I/do I lose all my PMs and stuff? Because if so I probably need to backup them now… somehow… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :open_mouth:

New forum? eh? oh, yeah, er, um, good luck :slight_smile:

afaik the plan is we don’t move until we can backup/transfer the existing posts and presumably pm’s


The restrictions are more that the owners of the servers we wil be moving to do not allow any open source software on them.

That’s just bizzare - if it were me I’d choose a different host and save yourselves a lot of cash.

It’s a forum, not a banking or military system or something. Half the web runs on open source Apache servers just fine.

It is true that TruckNet UK is just a forum, but the Data Centre we will be hosted in also hosts all Reed Business websites (and there is a lot of them !! ) Reed Elsevier’s internal and External business aplications (including the corporate intranet) and some quite sensitive tools used by Reed Elsevier companies working with outside organisations.

Denis F:

When we transfer would I/do I lose all my PMs and stuff? Because if so I probably need to backup them now… somehow… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :open_mouth:

New forum? eh? oh, yeah, er, um, good luck :slight_smile:

afaik the plan is we don’t move until we can backup/transfer the existing posts and presumably pm’s

What Denis said :slight_smile: