Change of address on digi card

i have just changed the address on my licence online , but i cant seem to find any links to change it on my digi card , does anyone have any links or advice on quickest way to get it changed ? cheers

Just wait till renewal time. They will print new one with the address on your licence at the time.

There is no legislation with reference to having your current address on your digicard

Vosa got a bit miffed with me at a recent roadside check as the digicard was in the old address,

only way to change it that I know of is to fill in a dvla form (same one you fill in to apply for first card I think) and send via snailmail, old forms still knocking around ask which centre you want to collect it from but that doesn’t apply now, they post the new one out to the address recorded on your licence.

There is a form on line for it - I may have a copy at home. If I have I will find the link and post it here. Send it off and they send a new one with a pre-paid envelope to return the old one. It’s free so long as you’re only changing the address.



Cheers mate couldn’t find it earlier was just bringing up 3rd party sites

When i moved i just rang them up and they sent new card within 5 days…