Challenger ?

Are Challenger the Canadian branch of Swift :question:
The drivers seem almost as stupid. Yesterday while waiting for a load confirmation number in Hartford CT I parked alongside one who had been there resting in his bunk. Aftet a few minutes along comes a driver (yet another Challenger driver) who asked me to move because he could ‘Only reverse straight’ and didn’t like backing around corners. I couldn’t move at the time because he was right behind me and it would mean reversing around a corner :laughing: . The company switcher asked the other one to move, he started his truck, then got out and walked off to chat with the newly arrived Challenger buddy, the switcher and I watched in amazement, then he stormed over to them, “excuse me Buddy, but when I asked you to move I meant to take your truck with you”
It took him driving and his buddy seeing mih back to get him to reverse in a straight line for 100ft and took 10 minutes.
As an excuse I can tell you that both of them were ‘French Canadians’ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Blimey! I can do better than that and I’m a rigid driver! :open_mouth:
10 mins for 100 yards in reverse in an artic? I could beat that and not hit anything either! Reversing round bends with an artic is about the easiest thing on earth! Pop the trailer in the hole, and then straighten up the unit. Of course, when I say easy, I’m assuming the gap I’m aiming for is over 30 feet wide. When I did an assesment in an artic here, I was asked to put the wagon away in a specified bay, I missed it, but it was 100% perfect in the next bay over…

You’d think that with all the doubles combos in Canada that they’d be a bit better at backing up? Guess not…

BTW, Challenger drivers were the “JB Hunt” of Canadian drivers back 10 years ago (when I drove for,…umm…JB Hunt…), so there’s nothing new there. I did 2 different auto-dedicated runs, one to the Camaro plant at Ste Therese, PQ, and the other to the Ford plant at Oakville, ON. Those places were swarming with Challenger trucks, but most of the runs were drop-and-hook.

What do they challenge? The sanity of everyone else on the roads■■?

They challenge the laws of probabilty by having more stupid drivers than any company in Canada…

Hey Pat, I kept meaning to answer your question before I went away, so here is the info I know you have been dying to hear, the answer is…Yes and No!( I think)

About 8 years ago whilst I was working for MS Carriers, the company enjoyed a liitle spell of aquisitions (spelling?), One of the companies MS Carriers bought was in fact Challenger, but as far as I am aware only the US division was wholly incorporated into MS Carriers leaving the Canadian one somewhat independent. As with the other two aquasistions (■■■■ I can’t spell that word! :blush: ) the US arm of Challenger lost it’s own identity and was absorbed into MS Carriers completely , as I sure you are aware MS Carriers themselves were bought out in 2000/2001 by Swift, so in a roundabout way I suppose you could say that Challenger are/were part of Swift!

As you have quite correctly noted their Drivers skills or lack of 'em certainly would be on a par with Swift Drivers :laughing: