Censorship,'cos that's what it is

I see political correctness rearing its’ ugly head again in the shape of a ban on the personals forum.What a load of [fill in appropriate swear word] :confused: :frowning: :cry: :angry: :imp: :smiling_imp: AAAARRRRRRGGGHHH!!!

Sorry Tartan I don’t see this as political correctness just self preservation on the part of the site.

While, and I have no-one from this site in mind as an abuser, the internet chatrooms and forums like this exist the accuracy of information from individuals about themselves is solely a matter of trust.

I’ve got a 13 year old daughter who uses the chat rooms of a well known software company and still get nervous about who may be using those forums as a “grooming location”. If members wish to arrange a group meeting, like the TruckNet and PDA christmas jolly there is an element of safety in numbers. Should indiviual members wish to meet socially then the private messaging or e-mail is IMHO the more suitable medium. The people who own and run this site have thought it necessary to be clear from the first instance shows an awareness of the risk and have made known the policy they are implementing for the benefit of the whole TruckNet UK community. That should be applauded.

If anyone wishes to start a seperate site for such things, then I for one would support them. However, it has been made clear, that such a forum would not be made on here, and I can see why.

The current climate is so paranoid. But this is not a site for kids, and the fears of “grooming” are, in this case, unfounded. Just because something could happen, it doesn’t mean it will happen here.

Private messaging is a reasonable solution, but as someone who is in the unenviable postion of being single right now, it’s actually very hard to work out who to contact privately, and whether their words actually mean anything. Ah well, we shall see eh?

I see political correctness rearing its’ ugly head again in the shape of a ban on the personals forum.What a load of [fill in appropriate swear word] :confused: :frowning: :cry: :angry: :imp: :smiling_imp: AAAARRRRRRGGGHHH!!!

Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

The opinion of the TruckNetUK Admin team, after some discussion, and having taken advice on the matter, is that we cannot allow such a forum.



If anyone wishes to start a seperate site for such things, then I for one would support them. However, it has been made clear, that such a forum would not be made on here, and I can see why.

The current climate is so paranoid. But this is not a site for kids, and the fears of “grooming” are, in this case, unfounded. Just because something could happen, it doesn’t mean it will happen here.

Private messaging is a reasonable solution, but as someone who is in the unenviable postion of being single right now, it’s actually very hard to work out who to contact privately, and whether their words actually mean anything. Ah well, we shall see eh?

Well actually this site does cater for kids, there is a kids forum and there are some regular posters who are under the age of sixteen.

However this decision was not made solely because of the kids who do post on here.

Among other factors we felt it was impossible to eliminate the risk of any members safety being endangered by meeting another member on a date.

Some of you we know quite well, and even some of you personally but we do not know everyone especially new members.

Therefore the decision was made not to support such a forum.

We hope that this situation would never arise but no one can say for sure!!!
