Censor Query

Why does e.f.f.i.n.g. get censored ?

Because it is a dodge and so included in the autocensor.

Is bolloxs censored?

Edit…guess not :smiley:

or you could use the preview button, beside submit. :wink:

Why does e.f.f.i.n.g. get censored ?

Because apparently RBI think this forum is mainly visited by 9yr olds and fragile over sensitive women…

'Bout right then… :smiley:

Who is RBI?

Dunno, I was just trying to see if i’d got that right, guess not :blush: :stuck_out_tongue:

Think I meant RTM?

RBI Is to do with Farmers Weekly magazine, that’s where I got confuzzled, you’re welcome to take me out at dawn and shoot me for my feeble attempt at humor :smiley:

Not confuzzled at all- you just lost a few years, we were owned by RBI (who also own Farmers weekly) but a few years ago did a management buyout of all the road transport titles- so your not going mad- just a little befuddled

Ahh ok then, it must be from the ol’ days that I remembered mention of RBI but upon looking into it earlier for confirmation after your “who is RBI” post I could only find their association with FW (which I read growing up being a country boy an’ all :stuck_out_tongue: ) and assumed I’d got my wires crossed.

Sorry for being a derp :slight_smile:

Ah well, bollox to the auto censor :wink: … Joking.