
There’s zero courtesy in using our cbs. An example being on Friday, I was being loaded with the last tonne of ■■■■■■■■ being slowly tipped from the loading shovel. I was guiding the shovel op, watching the weigher and saying “1t t go…750 etc” over the cb when someone else starts swearing away over the top. Luckily the driver was on the ball and stopped about 250kg under my top weight.
Gets on my nerves when you’re asking someone whether they want your load for the wash plant or for the tip, and someone cuts in with random ■■■■■■■■.
And the worst, when someone is giving another directions, and some prat cuts in.

I hate CB radios as I met my ex 2nd wife on a blind date arranged over an old AM rig :frowning:

I was being loaded with the last tonne of ■■■■■■■■ being slowly tipped from the loading shovel. I was guiding the shovel op, watching the weigher and saying “1t t go…750 etc” over the cb when someone else starts swearing away over the top. Luckily the driver was on the ball and stopped about 250kg under my top weight.

Phew, that was close. Just think, if the shovel driver hadn’t been so on the ball, you might have had to tip a bit off. :open_mouth:

Have you ever considered a job narrating Stobart: Trucks & Trailers?


I was being loaded with the last tonne of ■■■■■■■■ being slowly tipped from the loading shovel. I was guiding the shovel op, watching the weigher and saying “1t t go…750 etc” over the cb when someone else starts swearing away over the top. Luckily the driver was on the ball and stopped about 250kg under my top weight.

Phew, that was close. Just think, if the shovel driver hadn’t been so on the ball, you might have had to tip a bit off. :open_mouth:

Have you ever considered a job narrating Stobart: Trucks & Trailers?

Its Stobart Trucks, Trains & Planes now :smiley:

Not Polish, Russian. “Olga from the Volga” or just Olga as she is known on the CB forums. When the band is open she can be found all the way from 25 MHz to 28.6 MHz (Well in the Ham Ten Metre band)
I noticed she was missing in the summer and came back in early Autumn which suggests further than Poland.
The frequencies are 27.**5 not 27.**0 which Poland uses
Either way she’s an absolute pain

Not Polish, Russian. “Olga from the Volga” or just Olga as she is known on the CB forums. When the band is open she can be found all the way from 25 MHz to 28.6 MHz (Well in the Ham Ten Metre band)
I noticed she was missing in the summer and came back in early Autumn which suggests further than Poland.
The frequencies are 27.**5 not 27.**0 which Poland uses
Either way she’s an absolute pain

Any idea what she’s going on about all day?

There wouldn’t have been much point even in the days when we were supposed to pay for licences, they always complained they didn’t have the funds or the man/woman power, or something equally feeble.

Nothing has changed.


I think (thinking back to the 80’s) its called Skip or DX, this is atmospheric bouncing, if the conditions are right the waves or whatever are hitting the atmosphere and bouncing down and you can hear transmissions from many other countries.

Yes, in the 80’s it used to come from Italy and it was called “Spaghetti wall-to-wall”. It’s caused by bounce from low cloud formations.

Post by Harry Monk » Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:13 pm

Drift wrote:I think (thinking back to the 80’s) its called Skip or DX, this is atmospheric bouncing, if the conditions are right the waves or whatever are hitting the atmosphere and bouncing down and you can hear transmissions from many other countries.

Yes, in the 80’s it used to come from Italy and it was called “Spaghetti wall-to-wall”. It’s caused by bounce from low cloud formations.

Not quite Harry just to clarify.
The Summer propogation (Sporadic E) is at around 90-125 km above the Earth’s surface. (Not a solar mode although similar propogation (Auroral E and full blown Aurorae)are Solar)
The main long-haul is in the “F” layer(s) between 200 and 500 km up.
All way above the cloud layers


Post by Harry Monk » Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:13 pm

Drift wrote:I think (thinking back to the 80’s) its called Skip or DX, this is atmospheric bouncing, if the conditions are right the waves or whatever are hitting the atmosphere and bouncing down and you can hear transmissions from many other countries.

Yes, in the 80’s it used to come from Italy and it was called “Spaghetti wall-to-wall”. It’s caused by bounce from low cloud formations.

Not quite Harry just to clarify.
The Summer propogation (Sporadic E) is at around 90-125 km above the Earth’s surface. (Not a solar mode although similar propogation (Auroral E and full blown Aurorae)are Solar)
The main long-haul is in the “F” layer(s) between 200 and 500 km up.
All way above the cloud layers

Wasn’t it an eleven year cycle of the sunspots and the ionosphere which governed the skip G8 ?
Cheers Dave.

For the F layer and Auroral yes.
Sporadic E, no. That occurs even in sunspot minimum believed to be connected with thunderstorms.
Its all black magic lol

Cheers Tony

Hato’s should be on channel 9 so we can report debris or damage

Hato’s should be on channel 9 so we can report debris or damage

Hmm, the only flaw in your plan would be the mobile phone methinks. :wink:

Hmm, the only flaw in your plan would be the mobile phone methinks. 

Yer I phone them anyway but easier to contact them directly

The main problem of that is it will be a magnet for music players, toilet mouths and all varieties of muppets

The main problem of that is it will be a magnet for music players, toilet mouths and all varieties of muppets

Have you been listening to ch5 near Shipton Quarry?
:laughing: You left ■■■■■■■ off your list. :wink:

Vulga Olga is broadcasting on C5 in the Aylesbury area.

Olga’s ■■■■■ is broadcasting on C28 in the Lincolnshire area.

Olga on only 2 channels? She’s been cutting back major style!!

Got thoroughly ■■■■■■ off with some of my colleagues this morning; I was getting (or rather trying) to get directions to a farm from a subbie. After about a sentance, the directions disappeared amongst a load of swearing, moaning, inane ■■■■■■■■ and a bit more swearing.
Perhaps when they’re after directions I should just key the mic and see how they like it?
:imp: :imp: