cbd oil

Anyone given this stuff a go? I definitely buy into the merits of hemp as a medicine,par excellence,but I suspect without a reasonable amount of THC, (the element that gets you ‘high’) the project is futile and just another surrepticious manoeuvre by big pharma to infiltrate the market and then control it, ultimately.I read recently that the arch-satanic Monsanto/Bayer corporation are tinkering with the very genetic structures of hemp,ostensibly for profits,but considering they have thousands of pending law-suits in the pipeline,mainly for the effects of their seriously dodgy, Glysophate ’ Roundup’-garden and crop chemical- spray,i suspect they have literally,limitless resources,ie,they’re very much operating ‘for the man’

Suffering as i do with spinal disc issues,and not being able to tolerate the heavy meds iv’e been given,Pregabalin etc,not to mention the abscence of sick pay,i plough on and in many ways the work is therapeutic,after a typical shift,if i’m undisturbed,i kip well enough,but come the weekend,the piper must be paid so said kip is often harder to achieve i find.

I did try some ‘purple’’ cbd from a website once,can’t say I felt much improvement tbh,but my hunch is, given the exhorbitant prices they’re currently asking with,this burgeoning trend for cbd-oil, it seems the usual suspects (Bayer/Monsanto,Rockefeller foundation) are brazenly,trying the old monopolising trick of buying up ethical,organic companies(,i believe Nestle recently bought out a long established vitamin producer last month to the fury of it’s loyal customer-base), then,bang-on-queue,hiking the prices and diluting the ingredients (costs you understand) :smiling_imp: The same deal occurred when Holland&Barrett were taken over by The Carlyle- Group,(fine family firm with interests in the arms-trade,John Major and G Bush snr…rih were two of its political whores) The prices went north and ingredient quotas…distinctly south.So that , particular companys, CBD products,i’d tend to avoid,they seem more and more to me, like the Mcdonalds of the health world these days,their products ,purely symbolic. I would be very interested if anyone here has had any beneficial CBD experiences and could recco a trustworthy supplier?

Healthspan , I use the capsules extra strength . It took 2/3 weeks to make a difference , but has made the pain relief more effective.
I recently has an email from Healthspan saying there may be an issue with CBD oil as the EU are considering as a " novel food" and there may be a change to its availability :confused:

I’ve had bad back pain recently and along with my knee pain I was struggling to sleep a lot, any time before I’ve just had a spliff and some painkillers to help ease it and get me over. Don’t particularly like the feeling of being baked so tried the CBD oil that you use through a dropper and found it made no difference for pain relief.

Have several mates who swear by it for sports injuries, neck pain, asthma amongst other things.

Healthspan , I use the capsules extra strength . It took 2/3 weeks to make a difference , but has made the pain relief more effective.
I recently has an email from Healthspan saying there may be an issue with CBD oil as the EU are considering as a " novel food" and there may be a change to its availability :confused:

Thanks,very interesting,reveals the EU to be just as complicit in suppression of the natural, to the advantage of things like GM and Glysophates, which they’ve recently nodded through,quelle surprise! and all that.Codex Alimantarius I believe is the guiding philosophy behind all this,a policy cooked up in the 1920s with the intention of essentially making sure stuff that works organically is negated in favour of the Dupont/Rockeffeller,petrochemical based monstrosotiy ‘medicants’ we are currently expected to endure.

Even the word marijuana itself was an invented one,designed to give a vaguely dangerous dynamic to the Hemp plant thus planting a certain suspicion in the minds of the populace,subverting its vast potential in dealing with a large number of health issues in the process and therefore posing a direct threat to the bloodlines profit/power agenda.Twas ever thus. something you’ve found effective is now to be tampered with and kicked down the road.Marvellous.There really is some serious evil calling the shots at the top of the power- matrix on this planet we inhabit.

I’ve had bad back pain recently and along with my knee pain I was struggling to sleep a lot, any time before I’ve just had a spliff and some painkillers to help ease it and get me over. Don’t particularly like the feeling of being baked so tried the CBD oil that you use through a dropper and found it made no difference for pain relief.

Have several mates who swear by it for sports injuries, neck pain, asthma amongst other things.

Think the absence of a decent level of THC,renders the product useless for more severe pain is my guess.

That’s all very interesting and educational…but do they do it in " banana custard " flavour ? :wink: :slight_smile:

Regards John.

Suffer from major chronic pain, spinal issues, fibromyalgia and more.
Spent upwards of £600 on various cbd oils, capsules, vapes, gummies.
None worked…
Bar one, I bought on eBay of all places. It’s cbd “extra” vape oil, with “extra” cannabanoids.
If you read between the lines you know what I mean.

That works, but obviously it’s only for weekends. It took a few goes to get the desired effect without going to far the other way. First day I got it, I was puffing away merrily and then my sister in law turned up from Aylesbury to visit. How I got through it without her noticing I do not know.
Now a couple of puffs every few hours and I’m nicely relaxed and not pain free, but certainly pain muted.

So I quite agree, cbd has no effect without THC. That’s been proven in many cases of epilepsy as well.

Wife is on CBD (a vape pen), for her Crohns…

So far so good…

She got the CBD vape oil from Vaporized. A chain shop, and so there’s one not far from us…

Always been wary of buying online stuff, as she was also on CBD capsules nought online.

The first lot worked, but the second and third lot didn’t - she thinks she’s being palmed off with a placebo so these ones will be the last.

So for anyone that has (reliably) bought online, who would you recommend for both vape oil and capsules?

Bought a lot from iceheadshop and canavape.
I liked canavapes natures vape series, ( the flavour, as I said it didn’t help my pain) But they stopped selling it.

Also tried lovehemp products.

Jack should’ve put in that ad that the accommodation is near greenhouse, not a bar, if he wanted to attract native minorities instead of immigrants…

However… let’s get to THE MAIN POINT - drug tests - does this stuff come up on them or steer clear off radar**■■?**

(This question has been posted on behalf of the tipper driver community since they are the only ones in this country that are being regularly tested…)

Cbd isn’t illegal so doesn’t matter if it comes up on drug tests. No different than caffeine or vitamin c

I tried cbd oil for a while to find relief from arthritis and sport injuries but it had no effect and was the foulest tasting stuff.

Jack should’ve put in that ad that the accommodation is near greenhouse, not a bar, if he wanted to attract native minorities instead of immigrants…

However… let’s get to THE MAIN POINT - drug tests - does this stuff come up on them or steer clear off radar**■■?**

(This question has been posted on behalf of the tipper driver community since they are the only ones in this country that are being regularly tested…)

No, it shouldn’t show up on drug tests. Wife has same issue - she’s a nurse so MUST stay drug free.

CBD is fine, it’s the THC that’s the no no…

old 67:
That’s all very interesting and educational…but do they do it in " banana custard " flavour ? :wink: :slight_smile:

Regards John.

Now that would fly for me,especially if it was the Glas companies,Banana Cream Pie,that one is outrageously good.Bright yellow box package in most vape shops.

There is a point where the risks of using drugs of whatever type exceed the benefits to the point where serious brain effects if not injury occurs before the pain reduces.I don’t think that THC would be any different in that regard.As for pre gablin,that stuff in high doses,or if mixed with opiates especially Fentanyl or Oxi Codone,seeming to often be the tool of choice of Hospice and Hospitals respectively,is a dangerous time bomb to the brain and other organs which should be banned for all uses including so called ‘medical’ and it’s bleedin ironic that they aren’t while relatively weaker less hazardous stuff is.

As for me it doesn’t get much more painful than gout in the knees or ankles and sometimes two knackered discs which put me out of the job.The exception being pancreatitis in which I can remember begging the hospital staff for more Morphine and Tramadol to reduce the pain level and them rightly saying no you’ll just have to put up with it because we aren’t in the habit of killing our patients.

If only the so called ‘palliative care’ regime was as ethical and bright. :imp: