Caught out!!!

As I understood the law, pedestrians and horses have automatic right of way.

As I understood the law, pedestrians and horses have automatic right of way.

I’m all for horses, but a bloke running round a roundabout?


As I understood the law, pedestrians and horses have automatic right of way.

I’m all for horses, but a bloke running round a roundabout?

Yeah thats how I saw it, had it been a cyclist or a horse, yeah I’d have been expecting it, Just goes to show, everyone has priority on the roads before the motor vehicle.

everyone has priority on the roads before the motor vehicle.

Powerboat? :open_mouth:

Hiya what gets me is, just imagine you had no brakes. you blow your horn to warn them. what happens
you run over the stupid ■■■■■■■■■ its like the pedestrian crossing. all the persons press the button and
expect you to stop…you never really know, its only a puff of air going down a pipe that stops you,
i wonder if they really know what stops the lorry.I’d have smacked the idiot, he should have seen
you before you saw him. don’t worry about it mate, we know its got at you a little, he’s the jerk…

Hiya what gets me is, just imagine you had no brakes. you blow your horn to warn them. what happens
you run over the stupid [zb]… its like the pedestrian crossing. all the persons press the button and
expect you to stop…you never really know, its only a puff of air going down a pipe that stops you,
i wonder if they really know what stops the lorry.I’d have smacked the idiot, he should have seen
you before you saw him. don’t worry about it mate, we know its got at you a little, he’s the jerk…

This is why we have the Darwin awards! :smiley:

Joggers a grade A sanctimonious pillock. After debating all the rights and wrongs, were left with reason, common sense, self-preservation and politeness. He is obviously utterly bereft of the last four qualities. :imp:

Dont matter who has right of way a little common sense but then you can argue your right of way when 6’ under :laughing: so a little give n take might help


everyone has priority on the roads before the motor vehicle.

Powerboat? :open_mouth:

Yep :stuck_out_tongue:

Its my right of way have been the last words of a lot of people :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

‘…Guys be honest, if you were behind me would you be expecting me to stop for a jogger at this roundabout…?’

I recall the UK as a whole entity hypnotically falling for the charm whilst mutely accepting such types of liberal but otherwise anti-social behaviour, as Blair et al told us how fantastic it was/is to be living in a diverse society :confused:

Hardly anyone of note said ‘hang-on a mo, mate’, as if having boundaries of behaviour was best being rid of & consigned to history with other such un-PC orderliness :wink:

Whingeing now - but were mute then :question:

Chickens, home, roost :question:

Undemocratic liberalism, ■■■■, bite :question: :question:

Eejit fool vs. lorry driver = driver guilty :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

There is all the talk about rights ,what about responsibilities?The jogger next time could get the rights that we spell R.I.T.E.S. E.G. last rites.

‘…There is all the talk about rights ,what about responsibilities…?’

Hasn’t Liberalism replaced ‘responsibilities’ with the custom of now aportioning blame :question:

It is thus that the OP has encountered a demand to respect the liberal ‘rights’ of a self appointing Muppet in this rapidly diversifying region subject to EU sponsored & greying values that has undemocratically chosen (by silent mandate and supported by the Lisbon Treaty) to remove support for us as offended natives.

The reality? MP’s and the hitherto respected plod now liberally shrug-off our expectation of them to decently govern UK society responsibly.

My objectively balanced place behind my wheel loves everybody equally, of course :wink: