Carrying a print out

Can Someone settle an argument…
I’ve been driving for 15 years now very rarely done a print out
But thing is few drivers at our place seem to think you need to print one out every day and carry 42 days worth of print outs incase you get stopped.
Or as there new pass younger drivers basically believing something theve seen on face book or what ever.
Also same people who say you have to show 15 mins of other work at start of shift to prove you’ve done your checks. Even though they just sit there on there phone waiting for 15 mins to go.
Where are they getting these silly ideas from and why do they believe Facebook etc instead of experienced drivers?
Way I say it only time do a print out is if you get stuck go over yours hours and write on back why you did it.

Or have I been wrong all these years?

  1. You only need to do printouts if you’ve strayed from the regulations for some reason, there can be reasons for printouts other than going over your hours, such as a lost or damaged driver card.

  2. You need to do vehicle checks so some other work will need to be recorded at the start of the shift and I believe the DVSA like to see 10 to 15 minutes recorded for the checks.

When I was driving it used to baffle me how I was supposed to spend 15 minutes doing vehicle checks like some companies used to ask for :astonished:

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5 minutes for a walk around visual & 10 minutes for a coffee and cigarette. Easy :+1:

If your primarily doing agency work then there maybe a case for doing print outs so you have proof of the hours you are working for the agency IF there’s any payroll discrepancies, but you can end up with a lot of printouts

You need to carry records of your work when you are at work.

Most of the time the records are all on your Driver Card. As already said normally there is legally no need for bits of paper.

@peirre says though, if you have no card reader of your own and are on agency work, then maybe paper records are useful, but not legally needed.

Good question… :smiley:

Edit… tell them not just to trust what “an old hand” says though, being old is something achieved by idiots as well as the wise! Go to the .gov sites.

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