Cargobull internal lights

Ok, I thought I would figure it out on my own, but I admit defeat.

Occasionally I will pull a fridge and in the last 9 months there has been a few brand new cargobull fridges.

I can’t figure out where the switch is to power up the internal lights. There is a sticker on the front corner that I think is trying to tell me, but I can’t work out what and where!

Any advice happily received!

Search around the trailer, quite often the switch is situated on the chassis behind the rear axle near where the park brake etc is to be found.

i am sure you have thought of this but does the anderson lead need to be plugged in or the sidelights on on the unit

I thought I would find it sooner or later, but I am still baffled and must have used one 10 times or so!

I was starting to wonder if it could be fed from the catwalk light through a suzi, but leave sidelights on as standard as per the older fridges, and tip on tail lift.

I think this is the same body, just with a different reefer.

I think I have solved it…!

Look into the (marker) light.

Then press the middle, hey presto…

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I dare say one of those won’t be cheap when it’s busted and needs replacing!

Only work daytime then lol